Rajshekar 14 years Diabetes Reversed Within 3 Months!

- Name- Mr.Rajshekar Chandramouleswara Sambasivarao
- Age- 53 years
- Profession- Development Professional
- Place -Bangalore
Correcting things naturally, especially in relation to health, is the only right way to go. Consuming medicines for one ailment may cause side effects to health and worsen it. Thank God, FFD happened!
I am a development professional specializing in the area of sustainable agriculture, climate change adaptation, watersheds, and Farmer Producer Organisations.
I work as a consultant to the World Bank, International Fund for Agricultural Development, Food and Agriculture Organisation, and the Government of India. I have traveled to all nooks and corners of Bharat and enjoyed meeting all kinds of communities.
My diabetes was detected accidentally in 2006. I had purchased a glucometer to monitor my father’s sugar levels. Before using it on him, I tried it myself and to my shock, I got a fairly high fasting reading of 145.
However, I did not treat it till 2010 when I first went to a doctor and was put on 500 mg of Metformin. My father was diagnosed with diabetes when he was about to retire. Since then, he has had it under control.
Initially, I never accepted that I had diabetes. I used to argue with doctors that the standards being used to classify people as pre-diabetic and diabetic were not based on studies carried out on the Indian population.
Plus, I never had any symptoms of diabetics such as hunger, thirst, frequent urination, etc. Further, wounds would heal very fast. In fact, faster than my wife who is not diabetic.
However, diabetic medicines caused bloating of the abdomen, gastric problems and I decided to switch to Ayurveda. The Ayurvedic doctor told me that having a slightly higher sugar did not matter.
From an HbA1c of around 7 within 2 years, I was at 11 and then the problems started. I started having severe burning sensations in the lower limbs. My cholesterol went up as did my creatine levels. I was alarmed and switched back to allopathic medicines.
My doctor now put me on a high dosage of medicines. From 500 mg I was moved up to nearly 2000 mg of Metformin/day. New medicine to limit the uptake of glucose, called Glucobay was introduced. I was put on statins and Ecosprin as well.
I took all these medicines faithfully, but they had an impact on my body and mind. Mentally, they made me angry easily and I began losing friends and relatives. Lack of sleep also contributed to it.
Things came to a head in June/July 2021 when the burning sensation spread to my upper limbs. I could barely sleep at night. For just about 2 hours. Bedtime became a nightmare. I started having problems with my knee. I could not bend it and squat on the floor. I was horrified.
Mr.Rajshekar Chandramouleswara Sambasivarao
I was doing a study on Millets for the Government of India in 2018 and was covering Maharashtra. Like Dr. Khader and Dr. B. M. Hegde, both champions of millets I was looking for someone in Maharashtra, and I heard of Dr. Jagannath Dixit and his diet plan.
As I was browsing, I came across FFD and read it with interest. However, I was disdainful of any alternative medicines after my experience with Ayurveda.
In June/July 2021, I was going through hell due to severe burning sensations in my limbs. My sister, herself a cancer warrior, put me in touch with Shri Amar Bhaskar who was doing his FFD's Diabetes reversal Program i.e Intensive Reversal Program (IRP) with FFD.
He explained what he was doing and how it was working for him. Both my wife and I had a long Google Meet with him. After the call, we began implementing some of the ideas such as going strictly vegan. On July 29, 2021, we attended the webinar with Dr. Tripathi and enrolled the same day.
I took to the IRP like a duck to water. I was desperate for some relief from my sufferings. The webinar convinced both of us that this seemed logical, comprehensive, and well-thought-out. So plunged into IRP with full determination.
Within 6 days of starting the program, that is by Aug 6, 2021, I was taken off all diabetic medications. I was down from 2000 mg of Metformin/day to ZERO and it has been like that since then.
My fasting sugar has never crossed 120 in all these days. Mostly, it has hovered around 90-100. Phew! What a relief to be of those medicines.
My weight started coming down, as soon as I went vegan even before the IRP began. From 85+kg I came down to 68 kg in about 100 days. No cardio, no major sweat. How sweet it is to be lean and light and look shapely.
I also liked the exercise and pranayama that Dr. Tripathi introduced us to. When I began I could hardly do 3 Surya namaskars. I could not bend my knee, you know. Now I can effortlessly do 30-40 at a time. IRP has put me back on track. I am loving it.
I feel on top of the world. I am enjoying people saying that I look 15-20 years younger notwithstanding my grey hair (I have been having grey hair since I was 30 years)! I am feeling energetic and full of hope.
I am very thankful to my wife, Aruna, for all the support that she has provided in getting me here. Without such support from the spouse, it is an uphill battle.
I tried several things, but nothing worked. Only FFD's synergistic approach changed the game!
Thank you, Dr. Pramod Tripathi and FFD.