November 2021: Top 10 Diabetes Reversal and Health Transformation Stories

FFD's success number is now 11200+ participants free from diabetes medicines and insulin.  November month saw 100s being free too!

Here are the top 10 diabetes reversal success stories of November month at a glance especially for you. We hope these inspire you to take the initiative in your own diabetes reversal journey.

Here are the top 10 diabetes reversal participants of November month

1. Sandhya Malusare

sandya Mulsare

Mrs. Sandhya Malusare | Age- 63 Years | Pune

Sandhya Malusare a 63-year-old retired Office Superintendent from Pune got to know about her diabetes some 9 years ago.  Like others, she was also started on medications but wanted to get rid of them. 

Joined FFD and her medicines stopped in just 8 days.  Now she looks the youngest in her group of friends.

Do read her Diabetes Reversal Success story.


2. Shailesh Kamat

shailesh kamat

Mr. Shailesh Kamat | Age- 26 Years | Goa

Shailesh Kamat is a 26-year-old young Banking consultant from Goa.  Being an over-eater his weight as well as HbA1c was on the higher side.  He had to be put on insulin till he recovered from an accident wound. 

Joined FFD with his colleague and is very happy with his journey.  He has not only successfully reversed his diabetes but has become FAT to FIT with FFD's help.

Do read his type 2 diabetes success story 


3. Ranjana Mudre

Ranjana Mudre

Mrs. Ranjana Mudre | Age- 62 Years | Jabalpur

Ranjana Mudre is a 62-year-old housewife from Jabalpur.  Even though she does not have any family history of diabetes, got herself diagnosed with diabetes some 16-17 years ago. 

Later on, suffered from hypertension and thyroid cancer.  Put on insulin for uncontrolled sugars.  Joined FFD and a new change happened. 

Do read her success story

4. Vijit Mandody

Vijit Mandody

Mr. Vijit Mandody | Age-49 Years | Mumbai

Vijit Mandody a 49-year-old technician from Mumbai came to know about his diabetes in a random check.  Things started getting bad.  Feeling of depression, irritability, lethargy, tiredness grasped him. 

Joined FFD and life took a U-turn for him. He is now free of 24 units of insulin and in good health.

Do Read his Success stories of beating diabetes

5. Rama Devi

Rama Devi

Mrs. Rama Devi | Age- 51 Years | Arakkonam, Tamilnadu

Rama Devi is a 51-year-old homemaker from Arakkonam, Tamil Nadu, India.  She never had weight issues but started experiencing weight gain in her peri-menopausal time and reached her highest 60 kg.

Came to know about FFD through Dr. B. M Hegde's video joined it and this transformed her life for good - to get an athletic identity as a cyclist.

Do read her Diabetes Reversal success story


6. Sunil Padaki

Sunil Padaki

Mr. Sunil Padaki | Age- 54 Years | Doha, Qatar

Sunil Padaki is a 54-year-old Engineer who works in Doha, Qatar.  He came to know about his diabetes in 2004.  Put on medicines initially, later on, insulin.

Unfortunately suffered from COVID, but is thankful to FFD for quick recovery.  According to him, this quick recovery could only be possible due to the strong FFD protocols.

Go through his Motivational diabetes success story


7. Archana Balasubramanian

Archana Balasubramanian

Mrs. Archana Balasubramanianis | Age- 45 Years | Washington, USA

Archana Balasubramanianis a 45-year-old technical Program Manager at Google from Washington, USA.  She first got to know about her fluctuating sugar levels during her pregnancy, 4 years later got diagnosed as a diabetic.

Doctors in the U.S. started her on medicines without any guidance about the disorder.  Luckily came to know about FFD, enrolled in HTP batch 34, and has never looked back. FFD proactively treated her kidney issues too.  She is extremely happy.

Read her Reversal Success Story


8. Ashok Joshi

Ashok Joshi

Mr. Ashok Joshi | Age- 68 Years | Pune

Ashok Joshi is a 68-year-old retired Divisional Manager, LIC.  According to him, FFD has an empirically proven protocol to reverse diabetes.

He came to FFD and not only reversed his diabetes but comorbidities like creatinine, cholesterol, and BP too.

Go through his Motivational diabetes success story


9. Nirmala Rathi

Nirmala Rathi

Mrs.Nirmala Rathi | Age- 64 Years | Gulbarga, Karnataka

Nirmala Rathi is a 64-year-old housewife from Gulbarga, Karnataka.  She came to know about her diabetes when she had gone for a thyroid checkup in 2003. 

Her health kept deteriorating and was on 50 units of insulin till she came to FFD.  FFD not only gave her freedom from diabetes but reversed her thyroid issues too.

Do not miss it, read it her diabetes remission story


10. Mr. Mahesh Hannurkar | Mrs. Surekha Mahesh Hannurkar (Couple Story)

Mr. Mahesh Hannurkar | Mrs. Surekha Mahesh Hannurkar (Couple Story)-

Mr. & Mrs. Mr. Hannurkar | Telangana

Mr. Hannurkar's diabetes was detected in 1999.  He faced issues with unstable sugar levels for 22 years till he came to FFD.  FFD took the challenge of treating a heart patient like him and he got freedom from diabetes in just 6 months. 

His wife who is also a diabetic too joined FFD a bit later and got freedom from diabetes in just 1 month.

Definitely read this inspiring couple story


November month's top 10 participants are just a few examples from 1000s of our participants.  FFD is nearing reaching another milestone of making 11K+ people free of their insulin, medicines, and other health conditions soon.

All this would not have been possible if the protocols and team were not powerful enough.

FFD's Diabetes Reversal program is equipped with a dedicated team of 6 experts who work one-to-one with participants on all the aspects of health - diet, exercise, inner transformation, and medical aid and this makes FFD unique.

Start your "Diabetes Reversal" journey with us by participating in our Discover Reversal Session.  It is the introductory session of our annual diabetes reversal program which we call a Holistic Transformation Program conducted by Dr. Pramod Tripathi himself. Enroll in the upcoming online session now to learn how you can also reverse your Diabetes.


Diabetes Reversal Success story

Weight loss success story

Other health issues