Holistic Transformation Program

Intensive Reversal Program

What is the HTP?

Holistic means integrated treatment of the body, mind and spirit. Transformation means the act or process of changing completely. Holistic Transformation Program (HTP) has been designed to deliver such a complete change. It is our one-year flagship program painstakingly put together over 10 years by Dr Pramod Tripathi and his team.

Why Transformation? Why not just Reversal?

Reversal is often temporary. We have seen cases of reversals becoming re-reversed. Weight loss done can be regained. Medication reduced or stopped can again increase or restart. On the other hand, Transformation is characterized by a complete change in body, mind, habits and medications that are impossible to reverse. The transformation that you will undergo is clearly explained below in the 2 Stages and 4 Phases of this amazing program.

How does Holistic Transformation happen?

Through an approach that combines diet, exercise, psychology and medical sciences. You will feel empowered with correct education, comprehensive support, and constant inspiration as is relevant over the different stages and phases over the 1 year program. You will become medically-wise, diet-wise, fitness-wise and psychology-wise and experience yourself significantly stronger, fitter and younger. You will become more optimistic about your health and life at large. This has already been experienced by thousands!

Key Benefits


Personalised Guidance

Every individual is different hence personalised guidance is a must for step-by-step hand holding that will lead to a greater transformation. This is delivered through:

Dedicated Doctor Support for reporting sugar levels and getting your insulin/ medicine doses adjusted through the FFD App which is designed for personalization. As you input your blood sugar levels and other bio-markers, your medications get adjusted dynamically.
For non diabetic participants who join only for weight loss, hypertension, high cholesterol, PCOD, hypothyroid this facility is not given.

Unlimited Medical (Tele) Consultations for having in-depth discussions on your health concerns and get perfect medicine and supplement prescriptions. These will be minimum 5 in number at 3 monthly intervals. The online nature of our consultations meets the demands of a post Covid-19 world, eliminating inconveniences like travel and the need for your physical presence.

Comprehensive Team of
Diet expert for diet related modifications in every phase,
Exercise expert for exercise related adaptation and progression based on your health status,
Psychologist (Inner Transformation Expert) for stress release and motivational counselling and
A Monitor for tracking your adherence and admin assistance.
Also, a Mentor who is our past participant gives inspiration and initial support.


Group Therapy

Despite our uniqueness, somewhere we have similar learning, inspiration and energy needs. This aspect of HTP is very unique and is delivered through:

Group Sessions, Practice Sessions, Catch Up Sessions for keeping the stage and phase wise learning and implementation going. Longer (2-3 hour) Monthly Group Sessions – 12 in number for receiving the full information in an energizing manner. Shorter (30-45 minutes) Weekly Practice Sessions (in the third month daily) - 44 in number to do the exercises and meditations together. Short (45 minutes) Catch Up Sessions – 6 in number to grow in wisdom filled action. These sessions help you implement the four FFD protocols—medical, diet, exercise, inner transformation in the recommended phase-wise manner. All sessions are recorded and are available through the Education Portal for viewing at one’s convenience.

Group Chat is a proven, practical and perpetual source of education and support. Interactions in the group create a collective energy that motivates and encourages everyone on this beautiful journey.

Stages and Phases of Transformation

Reversal can undergo re-reversal akin to ice changing to water and vapour and vice versa. This in your real world context would mean, weight loss done over 3-6 months can be regained and reduced/ stopped medications can restart.

Hence our focus is not just on reversal but your Transformation which is akin to a caterpillar changing to a butterfly. This kind of change cannot be re-reversed. This in your real world context would mean, the transformation in body and mind wisdom. This is Life 2.0 and is characterised by totally new levels of vibrancy, fat vs muscle mass, fitness levels, change in medications, positivity, identity, becoming a role model of health, etc

This transformation is orchestrated through 2 stages and 4 phases which have been developed over 10 years of cumulative learning about human transformation in thousands of participants like you.

Stage 1

Achieving Basic Health Goals

This stage involves setting and achieving basic weight, exercise and medical goals. For example: attaining a reasonable BMI (Body Mass Index), Hba1c < 7 (in diabetics/ prediabetics), BP < 130/80, Total Cholesterol/ HDL ratio of 4:1 and relevant lab parameters with reduced or stoppage of medications.

The first stage of Achieving Basic Health Goals is further broken down into 2 phases of 3 months in duration each

  • Phase 1

    Establishing a Strong Foundation

    (Month 1-3)

    Consists of 3 structured diet and exercise plans (1.1, 1.2, 1.3) of 1 month each. These plans are adapted to suit your individual needs as we have realised that each participant is unique at the body-mind level. You get to learn and implement these foundation plans under close supervision which will help you initiate the reversal, freedom and transformation journey. There will be a definite reduction in the root causes of diabetes, obesity and metabolic disorders in terms of reduction in insulin resistance, drop in fat and initiation of growth in strength, stamina and flexibility.

  • Phase 2

    Re-modelling Body and Mind Completely

    (Month 4-6)

    Consists of moving on to changing the body’s shape with an increased focus on customised diet and exercise protocol. Through our unique 3-2-1 protocol you will find yourself getting hooked to exercise through variety and depth. Increase in customization is characteristic of this phase as each individual needs a deeper approach after initial results. We also begin our famed inner transformation protocol here that helps you release old and current stresses through guided journaling and meditation. Learned Optimism and our specially innovated Einstein Process followed by further guided journaling and meditation creates a change in your perspective towards life.

Stage 2

Achieving Advanced Health Goals

This stage involves setting and achieving advanced diet, exercise, inner transformation and medical goals. For example: Customized athletic goals of 108 Sooryanamaskaras, 10/21+ km running, 25/50+ km cycling, etc as are relevant for your age, gender, past exercise history and exercise potential. Training yourself to eat a variety of food items in a graded manner. Achieving ideal lab parameters related to fasting insulin, hsCRP, TSH, S. Creatinine, Lipid Profile, Liver Function Tests, etc. Deeper work on your stress and positivity to create that transformation from deep within

The second stage of Achieving Advanced Health Goals is further broken down into 2 phases of 3 months in duration each

  • Phase 3

    Scripting your Transformation Story

    (Month 7-9)

    Consists of actually creating a script of your transformation story using deeper principles of the Law of Attraction and The Power of your Subconscious Mind. This creates a deeper shift in your daily emotional frequency through newer habits, affirmations, SAAF Goals and Vision Boards. This is much more powerful than the regular SMART Goals. Even more customisation of diet and exercise plans is done to achieve athletic goals of 108 Sooryanamaskaras, 10/21+ km running, 25/50+ km cycling, etc that transforms you so much that re-reversal of your health or medical parameters is not a possibility anymore.

  • Phase 4

    Gaining Complete Health Mastery

    (Month 10-12)

    Consists of preparing you so well that you can handle your health independently. You will find yourself equipped to make decisions quickly and with great clarity on all fronts. You will be able to intelligently adapt and handle all varieties of food, exercise patterns, stressful situations and achieve ideal physical and medical parameters. Hence we call this final phase one of gaining complete health mastery.



Will I remain free from diabetes after the program?

The FFD Holistic Transformation Program is designed to effect behavioural and physiological changes that will enable you to sustain your reversal independently.

How much time will I have to commit?

Yes, you will need to commit a certain amount of time and effort. But it’s merely a matter of time management to get into a new routine. In fact, many of our participants who come from top tier management, been able to adapt easily to the new time demands. I have some physical limitations; will I be able to do all the exercises? The exercises are personalised to individual conditions and body types. Your designated exercise expert will provide many options

I have some physical limitations; will I be able to do all the exercises?

The exercises are personalised to individual conditions and body types. Your designated exercise expert will provide many options to keep your daily routine fresh.

Is the program tough?

The program has its demands, but the results are far more rewarding. The stronger your commitment, the faster the gains. Our past participants almost unanimously attest to being driven by a strong feeling of excitement and accomplishment that completely overshadows any challenges along the way.

How will my specific individual problems be addressed?

You will be given a designated doctor, exercise expert and diet expert who will monitor and adjust program elements like diet, exercise, medication, stress-release to match your condition.

I am taking heavy insulin doses daily, can I benefit?

Yes. Those on insulin benefit the most as many a time, the insulin doses reduce and stop within a few weeks. You can see some of our past patients’ stories on our Inspiration’ page.

How will I manage to do the program during the lockdowns caused by Covid-19?

As a matter of fact, the Corona virus lockdown has fostered discipline in diet and exercise in almost everyone. With nowhere to go, and time on your hands, there’s no better time for reversal, and hundreds have joined during the lockdown and begun experiencing reversal benefits.

How long is the program?

HTP is a year-long program; in the first 4 months you will be taken through a systematic action learning experience, followed by 8 months of guidance and support to set and achieve new behavioural goals.

I often travel on work, will I be able to work the program?

We’ve been working extensively over the past seven years with participants who travel regularly on work, and we have evolved a Travellers Protocol that makes it convenient for you to follow the program with minimum hassle.

I live abroad, will I benefit?

Our sessions are planned and structured to facilitate all our overseas participants. Our step-by-step guidance, evolved over the past 6 years, has helped participants across 30+ countries successfully go through the reversal program.

Will I lose weight?

Guaranteed! You can look forward to updating your wardrobe soon.

Register for
Holistic Transformation Program (HTP)
(For Diabetic and Pre-diabetic Participants)

  • 118th Batch- D (Standard Care Team)

    Register before 13-Apr-2025, 06:00 PM
  • 118th Batch- D (Premium Care Team)

    Register before 13-Apr-2025, 06:00 PM
  • 118th Batch (Diabetic VIP Care Team-Under the care of Dr. Amruta and guidance of Dr. Pramod)

    Register before 13-Apr-2025, 06:00 PM
  • 118th Batch (Diabetic VVIP Care Team-Under the guidance and care of Dr. Pramod)

    Register before 13-Apr-2025, 06:00 PM

Register for
Holistic Transformation Program (HTP)
(For Non Diabetic: Overweight/ Obese, Hypertension, Hypothyroid, High Cholesterol, PCOS/D Participants)

  • 118th Batch- ND (Standard Care Team)

    Register before 13-Apr-2025, 06:00 PM
  • 118th Batch- ND (Premium Care Team)

    Register before 13-Apr-2025, 06:00 PM
  • 118th Batch (Non-Diabetic VIP Care Team- with Dr. Malhar Ganla)

    Register before 13-Apr-2025, 06:00 PM
  • 118th Batch (Non-Diabetic VVIP Care Team- with Dr. Malhar Ganla and guidance of Dr. Pramod)

    Register before 13-Apr-2025, 06:00 PM