Priti Taneja Lost 20 kg weight in Addition to Reversing Diabetes

Freedom from Diabetes is Simply Great!!!
- Name- Dr. Priti Taneja
- Age- 50 years
- Profession- Lawyer & P.E
- Place - Delhi, India
I tried various ways to control sugars, lose weight... but nothing worked. Good that FFD happened and changed my life totally.
I am a lawyer working as an Auditor with my husband who has a CA practice. I was a national-level player from Delhi in hockey and an ex-sports teacher. I am very proud to share that I have done my Ph.D. in Physical Education (P.E.).
There is no family history of diabetes in my family actually. So, I was just not prepared that it would hit me anytime. One good habit that our family has inculcated is to have routine health checks.
I got to know about my high sugar level from the tests done at home for normal checks in the year 2015. Diabetes is just not limited to raised sugars.
It is actually the reflection that your body has lost its rhythm, the rhythm of working smoothly. I started having several issues like cramps in the legs, mental tension, weight not coming down, frozen shoulder problems.
Having to take daily medication for survival was worst. I was taking Janumet 550 mg which my doctor told me to take twice a day. Is there any way out? Will I ever be able to live a life without medicine?.. I thought.
I am active in social media and so got to know about FFD through it only. So, everything has its pros and cons. It is the way how you use the sources.
I attended the online first session of Dr. Pramod Tripathi on 3rd November 2020. The session was so good and convincing that I immediately joined the Holistic Transformation Program. On 5th November, I started sending my BSL on the FFD app too.
Dr. Priti Taneja
The good part of my life had begun.My FFD journey was very good. I followed all things told by my doctors and health experts seriously.
It was difficult initially but changed food habits too, included a Diabetes-friendly smoothie. Refined products were out and the aata was shifted to bajra and khapli aata.
All this gave me amazing results. I actually wanted to say goodbye to my medicines by the end of 2021, but it took a little while. I was told to stop my medicine on 17th January, my husband's birthday.
Now, I feel it is the gift given by me to my husband on that day and it has become a date to remember all my life. As mentioned above, I was on the heavier side and my weight was just not ready to move. After coming to FFD, I lost my stubborn weight not just 1 or 2 kg but by 20 kg.
So, here I was medicine-free and free of excess weight. FFD exercise experts recommended physiotherapy and appropriate exercises for my frozen shoulder and I could sleep without pain. All this was possible only because of the right education, guidance, and inspiration from FFD.
Not only me but my whole family is benefited by following FFD protocols. My husband lost 10 kg and my lovely /vibrant twin daughters lost 5 kg each.
I am on top of the world!
Thank you, Dr. Pramod Tripathi and FFD.