December 2021: Top 10 Diabetes Reversal and Health Transformation Stories

Once you have diabetes, it is FOREVER. This was the perception till a few years ago. But no more. Freedom from Diabetes with its proven protocols has shown the world that 'Diabetes Reversal is Possible' and Sustained Diabetes Reversal is a reality.
The year 2021 was excellent for FFD. It crossed its milestone of freeing 11k plus people from their diabetes medicines and insulin. Even though it was the last month of the year, December month also was very fruitful.
Here are the top 10 diabetes reversal success stories of December 2021.
A 58-year-old male from Diamond Industry, Mumbai, suffered from sudden weight loss and came to know about his diabetes. Started on anti-diabetic medication and realized had eye and leg pain due to it. Came to know about FFD through a cousin and joined it. After coming to FFD, his medicines stopped in 22 days, he lost a healthy 19 kg and cleared GTT too.
Do read his Diabetes Reversal Success story.
2. Luna Bhaskar
Is a 54-year-old highly qualified lady from Texas, the U.S.A. who chose to be a stay-home mom. Became aware of her diabetes during an annual physical and like others was also started on medications. HbA1c kept rising and medicines too. Was introduced to smoothies first through a neighbor which generated her interest in FFD. She joined Holistic Transformation Program and is a totally transformed person now.
Go through her detailed story to understand how FFD helped her reverse diabetes, reduce excess weight and transform totally.
Do not miss it, read it her diabetes remission story
Is a 46-year-old IT professional from Hyderabad. He got diabetes at a very young age of 32. He suffered from tiredness, lack of stamina, tingling sensation in the hands and feet. Was 83 kg overweight too. Came to know about FFD through Dr. B. M. Hegde's video and joined it. He is on Cloud9 since then.
Go through his story to know how he got freedom from diabetes medicines and cleared his GTT.
A 45-year-old gynecologist from Solapur, Maharashtra got to know about her diabetes some 6 years ago. Tried dieting, exercising but something was missing. Came to know about FFD through a friend and this became the life-changer. She not only reversed her diabetes coming to FFD but got rid of her cholesterol tablets too.
Definitely read his type 2 diabetes personal stories
5. Sandip Lohia
His story is a special one. He suffered from diabetes, cholesterol, and BP too. FFD turned to be his true savior. All his ailments got under control within just 10 days of joining FFD and he is in a happy space to have got his Athletic Identity as a Marathon Runner.
An inspiring story indeed. Do read it.
Is a 60-year-old retired director of a Health Care Organization from California, U.S.A. She came to know about her fluctuating sugar levels during her pregnancy and later on got confirmed of having diabetes. She luckily came across Jason Fung's book - the diabetes code which generated her interest in the Diabetes reversal process. Came to know about Dr. Pramod Tripathi and joined FFD. Rest is history. Not only she reverse her diabetes at FFD but cleared her GTT too.
Read her story diabetes success story
7. Sanjib Dhar
A 39-year-old Business owner from West Bengal came to know that he had diabetes at this young age. In spite of having no family history, he had got it. Also suffered from other problems like eyesight weakness, fatty liver, mood swings. Joined FFD, and achieved his freedom in just 10 days. He is very happy to see his HbA1c come down from 8.2 to 5.2.
Do read his inspiring success story.
Is a 49-year-old Company secretary from Bangalore. She came to know about her diabetes some 8 years ago. Also suffered from chronic migraine since age 10 and BP just after being diagnosed with diabetes. Joining FFD was her best decision. FFD not only helped her beat diabetes but her chronic migraine too.
Go through her diabetes treatment story to know her detailed journey.
His story is an interesting one. Mr. Ashly D'Souza is a 51-year-old Entrepreneur from Bangalore who suffered from diabetes for 18 long years before coming to FFD. Fed up of overtreatment from other doctors, he came to FFD. FFD treatment gave him freedom from 24 units of insulin in just 1 month and changed his life.
Go through his Motivational diabetes success story
10. Ajay Kale
Is a 45-year-old Deputy Manager of an MNC from Aurangabad. His diabetes had different symptoms. He had a non-healing nose infection. COVID even worsened things and his sugars went as high as 400. Fortunately, got to know about FFD and good things happened. His diabetes medicines stopped in 3 months and he is very much lighter, fitter, and healthier now.
Read his story to know how FFD helped him remove the 'Diabetes Tag'.
December month's top 10 participants are just a sample. FFD is nearing reaching another milestone of making 11K+ people free of their insulin, medicines, and other health conditions soon.
All this would not have been possible if the protocols and team were not powerful enough.
FFD's Diabetes Reversal program is equipped with a dedicated team of 6 experts who work one-to-one with participants on all the aspects of health - diet, exercise, inner transformation, and medical aid and this makes FFD unique.
Start your "Diabetes Reversal" journey with us by participating in our Discover Reversal Session. It is the introductory session of our annual diabetes reversal program which we call a Holistic Transformation Program conducted by Dr. Pramod Tripathi himself. Enroll in the upcoming online session now to learn how you can also reverse your Diabetes.