How FFD Stopped my Medicines in Just 1 Month

- Name- Mrs. Gayathri R
- Age- 48 years
- Profession- EHS Consultant & Trainer
- Place - Bangalore, India
If you want to get results - You need to go to the right person, get the right direction, follow it properly. I did the same... I joined FFD.
I am Mrs. Gayathri R, 48 years young, Consultant & Trainer, from Bangalore. My profession demands traveling, managing teams and clients
Family history-wise, my sister is having ovarian cancer. Father is diabetic with a history of epilepsy. Mother has BP, heart weakness.
In July 2010, around 11 years back, I noticed I was feeling irritated, lethargic, and tired. Did not know the reason for it. So I went for a routine checkup and found out that I have diabetes and since then I have been on diabetic medication.
My grandmother had diabetes, but I never imagined that one day, I would have to deal with it as well. With time, my medicine dosages also kept increasing.
At one point, my sugar levels reached a point where the doctor with whom I was consulting suggested that I start using insulin. This was something I was just not prepared for.
Mrs. Gayathri R
In the year 2020, I learned about FFD from a previous participant and chose to join after watching sir's webinar (Dr. Pramod Tripathi). I would like to share one interesting thing here.
Prior to joining, I used to follow FFD's Diabetes Reversal protocols on my own, but as you know, you need a proper guide to help you shape yourself, so I joined FFD. Joining FFD was the right decision. After all, experts are experts.
Earlier my HBA1C used to be very high around 8.4. After following the FFD protocols, now it is 6.2, which I am grateful for. My medicines have stopped from May 2021. The feeling of going medicine-free is something else, I must say.
Before FFD, I was really lethargic due to my health difficulties, used to be as heavy as 97 kg, and was often tired, anxious. I also had knee pain then. Now, I am 75 kg - 22 kg lighter.
I strictly follow FFD routines and workouts and have to tell you that all of my weaknesses have been transformed into strengths. I am working as an FFD mentor too - spreading the awareness and learning on my behalf.
Thank you, FFD for giving me this medicine-free and beautiful life.