Chiinmoy Dutta Reversed Diabetes after battling with it for 27 years & also passed GTT

Highly Recommend FFD's Diabetes Reversal Program
- Name- Mr. Chiinmoy Dutta
- Age- 56 years
- Profession- Marketing Professional
- Place - Kolkata, West Bengal
Throughout 27 years of my diabetic life, I was dependent on doctors. Never ever thought I could be independent on this front, but FFD gave me the TRUE INDEPENDENCE!
Hello Everyone, I am Chiinmoy Dutta, a marketing professional ( sales & operation) in an MNC.
In June/July of the year 1994, upon waking up in one morning, I could not stand/walk properly. Pressing my feet, felt severe pain. At first, I thought it may be due to some shoe problem/ exercise issue & checked with my office doctor.
He too thought it to be gout/shoe problem, so I changed to better quality soft shoes. I took allopathy/ homeopathy medicine too during that time, but it could not help a lot. Seeing that things were not improving, I went on to do further blood tests which revealed higher fasting blood sugar levels.
My aunt & father did get diabetes but it was in the very late stage of life. There is no strong family history of diabetes at all, but I very well remember when my diabetes was first diagnosed in 1994, there were some family-related problems.
I went on medicine, strict diet regime, exercised/ walked more. All this led to a reduction in weight, but I used to feel constantly hungry, could not enjoy my food. Was a bit upset as relatives & friends questioned about my food habits which were embarrassing at that age... 29.
I never took insulin but was of course on oral medicine like Metformin, vitamins, and the doses varied as per BSL, as per office doctor's prescription.
I always looked for some solution or information about health and in doing so, I came across Dr. B.M. Hedge’s talk on the internet, on YouTube. He appreciated Dr. Pramod Tripathi's work in relation to "Diabetes Reversal' and I knew I had got some way for my problems.
Mr.Chiinmoy Dutta
I was very impressed with the Discover Reversal Session of Dr. Tripathi. The inputs shared in it about cell functioning, biological system, alkaline diet, different phases of the Diabetes Reversal protocol, nutrients in the diet, exercise, etc. had attracted me the most.
I decided to try out this method & the journey started from then onwards. I started following all the protocols seriously and results started pouring in. I soon became free of my diabetes medicines which were great news.
I would like to appreciate the whole FFD team for giving me good insights through question and answer sessions with doctors, dieticians & exercise experts throughout the year.
I got a very good knowledge about what to follow, why to follow & when to follow. Previously, it was like a blind lane type -someone was telling me and I was simply following it.
But with FFD, I got the knowledge to move on my own / control my BSL/ food/ exercise & what to measure. It's like freedom not only from medicine but the sole dependency of someone's suggestion/ advice.
Through the dedicated path & guidance, I could clear GTT on the first attempt. Now I know my limits and am very happy with it. I hope, I would be able to keep myself fit by maintaining the different regimes learned from this great institution & helping others directly / indirectly to follow the same.
Thanks & gratitude to all members/ mentors of the FFD once again. Hope I will get help from you always & when asked for…