Bhagavathi Raja: 8 Years of Diabetes Reverse in Just 10 Days

- Name- Mrs.Bhagavathi Raja
- Age- 46 years
- Profession- Educator
- Place - Bangalore, India
Diabetes is complicated! It is not just raised sugar levels. It involves a lot many things. Interestingly, I realized this more clearly after coming to FFD.
Myself, Mrs. Bhagavathi Raja, an educator from Bangalore. I have a diabetes history from my paternal side actually but never thought I would get it. I was diagnosed as diabetic in the year 2013 during my annual health check-up.
Was not aware of any program at that time. Was so busy with the work schedule that I ignored my warning signs. I thought for a lifetime I need to take my tablets. Used to feel hungry frequently so started to eat junk food late at night and gradually put on weight too.
I was waiting for the right opportunity to do something for myself. In this pandemic due to fear and anxiety, my sugar levels shoot up. One day, I casually checked my BSL and was shocked to see my readings to be 296.
My HbA1c was 12. I cried very badly. Luckily, a few days before that my friend was discussing FFD, as her husband has enrolled in this diabetes reversal program. It took me around 8 years to come to FFD.
Till then, I suffered from frequent hunger, mood swings, thirst, feeling tired, nerve-related issues. By God's grace, I never had to be on insulin but was taking Metformin 50/1000 twice daily.
All in all, it was not a good of quality-of-life that I was leading. I always kept looking for good Diabetes specialist doctors or some Diabetes treatment. While talking to one of my friends I came to know that there is an organization named Freedom from Diabetes which works on 'Diabetes Reversal'.
Mrs.Bhagavathi Raja
Her husband had enrolled in the FFD's Diabetes Reversal program and got benefitted. I thought why not try it and enroll myself in DRS batch 70.
I had attended the Discover Reversal Session of Diabetes specialist, Dr. Pramod Tripathi, so already had a general idea about the 4 FFD's Diabetes Reversal protocols. With DRS, the actual implementation of these Diabetes management protocols started.
I followed all the guidelines shared by FFD in terms of appropriate diet, exercises, and counseling. It was a pleasant surprise when on the very 10th day I was told to stop my medicine. Eight years medicines stopped in just 10 days! Great.
In May 2021, I was 65 kg. Then slowly started to reduce with diet and minimal tablets for a week. By 19 May, my tablets stopped. In June, I weight 61 kg and by July I was down to 58 kg.
Now, my weight is 52.4 kg - 12 kg less. The gradual weight loss was healthy and made me strive to attain my BMI by the end of July. As my health improved, all the above-mentioned problems like frequent hunger, mood swings, thirst, tiredness, nerve-related issues started reducing too.
Constant encouragement from my Dietician( Mrs. Bhanupriya) Mentor( Mrs. Surekha) exercise expert (Ms. Gargee) My App doctor (Dr. Prathibha Gupta) made me achieve this. So, it is the combined effort from all areas and all sides.
I feel good, relieved, and confident. I feel I am more flexible, not getting exhausted, and happy that I have reversed it. I am really happy that for the first time I did something for my health, for myself.
I followed 3 meals with the anabolic smoothie and continued my Glycemic ladder protocol. All this helped me clear my GTT on 30th October 2021. Passing GTT, the board exams for a diabetic, was a beautiful feeling.
Thank you, FFD for everything.