Mr. Dilip Kulkarni: 14 Years Diabetes Gone in 2 Just Months

I am on Cloud9 after Joining FFD 

  • Name- Mr. Dilip Kulkarni
  • Age- 46 years
  • Profession- IT Professional
  • Place - Hyderabad, India

Many times it is seen that things take time to surface. The same happened in my case, I believe. Even though FFD happened late, 14 years late, I feel good that it happened! 

I am Mr. Dilip Kulkarni, an Information Technology Professional from Hyderabad. Diabetes was detected when I went for a checkup in 2007 because my elder brother had passed away of a heart attack, was under a lot of stress for a few months.

My age was just 32 then. I was overweight too at 83 kg and did not know of any symptoms of diabetes then. My mother's side has a history of diabetes.

My mother, her sister were diabetic. After giving a lot of thought I now feel that there were things going on already but surfaced in a bad phase of life - after my brother's death.

I suffered a lot before, had a lack of stamina, felt tired while traveling or playing outdoor. Had a tingling sensation in feet and hands for many months. I also lost weight after the detection and taking medicines. From 2007 to 2019 my weight fluctuated between 74 and 78 kg.

I was never on insulin but was prescribed Zoryl M1 in the initial years. In 2016, I was given Diamicron XR Mex 500. Later Istamet 50/500 was added. By 2019, I was taking Diamicron XR Mex 500 before breakfast Janumet 50/500 one each morning and evening.

Before joining FFD 68th Batch end of Feb 2021, my medicine was Glycomet Trio twice a day. My HbA1c was highest at 8.3 and lowest at 7.1 during the last 14 years.

Dilip Kulkarni

Mr. Dilip Kulkarni

I was watching an old video of Dr. B M Hegde on YouTube in which he mentioned a young doctor, Dr. Pramod Tripathi in Pune doing great work on reversing diabetes.

He mentioned about Diabetes Reversal program and Muktotsav too. I immediately searched online and found the FFD site that mention the session on 27th Feb 2021 and registered for it. 

The Discover Reversal Session was an eye-opener. I was totally convinced about the causes of diabetes and registered for the HTP program immediately. My journey at FFD has been a great learning curve.

I trusted the process and the experts and just followed the protocols. Whenever I lost focus my wife kept me on the path by ensuring I follow the diet protocol and exercise routine. I was amazed at the change in the first two months.

I was a vegetarian but turning Vegan and following protocol has such an immediate positive effect is a revelation. Dr. Rajesh Wandre has kept a tab on my progress through the FFD App

He kindly calls to speak within a couple of days of every report upload. I am thankful to Diet Expert Neha Moralawar and Exercise Expert Gargee Bhagat for guidance and support.

After two months of Joining on May 3, all my medicines stopped. Fourteen years of diabetes medicines stopped in just 2 months. Simply great.

I am on Cloud9.  I feel fit, energetic, do more work at home and Office.

FFD has shown the path to a healthy non-diabetic life.  I passed GTT and endeavor to clear it every year.  Hope to inspire many.

Diabetes reversal Program