Vijay Kumar Tiwari: My story of diabetes reversal and supreme fitness

Medicine free, 22 kg lighter... feeling great

  • Name- Mr. Vijay Kumar Tiwari
  • Age- 39 Years Young
  • Profession- IT Professional
  • Place - Pune, Maharashtra

Hello All,

I'm Vijay Kumar Tiwari, an IT Professional from Pune.

My diabetes story

The stress of my mother's hospitalization and her loss had a big impact on me.  It totally shattered my health and it was that time when I came to know about my diabetic status. Weight-wise, I was on the heavier side weighing 117 kg.  Excess weight had its own set of problems.

How did I get acquainted with FFD?

I knew about FFD even before getting diagnosed.  It was through one of my neighbors who had joined it.

What made me join FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. With FFD, I saw a hope of going free of medicines. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Mr. Vijay Kumar Tiwari

Reversal story 

I joined FFD immediately after coming to know about my disorder. This really helped me. On the very third day of my program, my sugars were normal and I was off the medicines.

My weight loss also has been remarkable from 117 kg down to 95 kg. My fitness has improved a lot. I have completed the first half marathon and half cycling up to 56 km.

I am living a totally different life now. I wake up at 5-5.30 every day and can run for 8 km minimum. I can cycle up to 100 km and am planning to run a full marathon by next year.

Key quote

"Thank you, FFD for showing me a path to a fitter and healthy life"

Key takeaways


  • Medicine stopped
  • Weight loss 22 kg
  • Super fit