Vidya Srinivasan: Enjoying 2 years of Type 2 Diabetes Reversal

A beautiful story of enjoying freedom for over 2 years

  • Name- Mrs. Vidya Srinivasan
  • Age- 55 years
  • Profession-Chartered accountant
  • Place - Singapore

The number of people suffering from type 2 diabetes is compounding on daily basis. Interestingly, the causes are not restricted to what was thought to be genes or heredity. There can be several other reasons. I fall under this category. I am Vidya Srinivasan, a 55 years young Chartered Accountant from Singapore. No one in my family suffers from diabetes actually, so this was nowhere in my mind or proximity. 

In 2019, I was at the peak of my career, managing a challenging regional role as Finance Director, leading from the forefront for multiple acquisitions that my company was going through, and to top it all leading the APAC team for a global project. Little did I realize that I was also at the peak of my health crisis.

I had all symptoms of creeping diabetes, frequent urination, extreme fatigue, feeling hungry immediately after my meal, and hot flushes. I had conveniently labeled each of these symptoms to one excuse or other until a routine test for my US travel revealed a dangerously high HbA1c of 13.2. I thought the test was erroneous.

Till then, I was not aware of any indications related to diabetes. My doctor explained to me what HbA1c 13 actually meant, very high blood sugar. And started me with Metformin. This was a big jolt for me. Having been inclined to yoga,  I took 2 weeks off from work and family and enrolled myself in the Arogyadhama program in VYASA, Bangalore.

The solitude, the enriching peace, and tranquility coupled with the knowledge of ancient science brought me back to reality. It was also in VYASA, that I came to know about Dr. Pramod Tripathi, who was also associated with them.

I have been working for the last 2 decades, while my work and responsibility kept increasing both at home and office, I did not pay heed to the fact, that I was aging. What I was doing at the age of 25, intellectually I was doing almost five times more than at age 55, with almost 10% of the physical activity. Is this what people call a sedentary lifestyle?

I enrolled for the Discover Reversal Session of Dr. Pramod Tripathi, where he clearly explained the four protocols of reversal: Medical, Diet, Exercise, and Inner Transformation. The whole information was logical and convincing. I signed up for the program in Feb 2020.

Phase 1

Our program started on the right note with phase 1, the miracle smoothie, Anti-Gravity, muscle mobilization, and proper diet. Within 11 days of starting my Holistic Transformation Program, I was told to stop my diabetes medicines. This was the best news I had heard in a long time.

COVID was at its peak, and outside activity was restricted. There was no stopping my energy. I continued the world's best warm-up, Surya namaskar, nitric oxide dump, and band exercises.


Mrs. Vidya Srinivasan

Phase 2

Into Phase 2, Acceleration of Diet with Juice Feasting, Intermittent Fasting, and cleansing. Followed every single step of the FFD Protocol with 3-2-3-2-3-2-1; and then to 2-2-2-2-2-2-1 and then Long fasting. Within about 6 weeks into this program, had lost about  7 kg of weight

Dr. Malhar explained the concept of Athletic identity. He said diet decides your weight and exercise decides your shape. This was all new to me. With the renewed build of energy and the motivation of stopping medicines from Phase 1, I decided to try something new. My husband gifted me a bike. I used to bike as a teenager in my school days. On the first day, I went 5 Km and found a very unique connection back to my childhood.

On the second day, I went 10 Km and realized my enthusiasm becoming infectious. My husband also got interested and got a bike. Day after day, and week after week, we explored the length and breadth of Singapore, on the bike with packed smoothies and nuts.

Within a few months, our daughter bought a bike too and we were soon filling our weekends with immense joy and good health. Biking was one of the sports activities that were allowed outdoor at this stage of COVID.

Soon, I wanted to venture into other outdoor activities that were still permissible, and signed up to learn to swim. Week after week of consistent learning and practice I learned the breaststroke and within a few months surprised myself when for the first time,  I swam across the Olympic size pool in my condo.

Never done swimming till now. So by now, was biking, learned swimming, and got into a regular practice of yoga. By this time I had also lost 12kgs of weight.

Phase 3 

Inner Transformation, we were introduced to many new techniques, HOPPONOOPONO, Brahma vihara, Journal Writing, Flushing out past issues bottling in our minds. Learned the art of LET GO ! for the inner peace of self. To date, I still practice Brahma vihara, other meditation techniques, and journal writing. 

Phase 4 :


Having tasted success with weight loss, high levels of energy, and improved quality of life, now was the time, Dr Malhar, introduced us to the muscle-building phase: Strength Training. Taking help from my niece who is a certified Strength trainer, started learning the basics of Strength training her remotely. Was now bold enough to order Bowflex (dumbbells) and a bench at home. Gyms were still closed.

I have never seen or lifted a dumbbell or seen any of my family members ever use it in my life. It was a totally new experience for both my niece (remote training) and myself. We enjoyed our companionship along with the training.

Soon my husband was also training alongside me. We were both intrigued to learn that there are 600+ muscles in our body; many of them are never used. Slowly and steadily I am still continuing my practice, now with a personal trainer in person.

2 years since I have stopped medicines, my sugar is now in the non-diabetic range. Continuing to practice and adopt the

1)      Diet: Green smoothie, Carb constrained diet, Intermittent fasting, Sprouts Salads, and soaked nuts.

2)      Exerciseregimen of 3:3:2 3 hours of Strength, 3 hours of cardio, and 2 hours of flexibility in a week.

3)      Meditation: Brahma Vihara and the MSRT (mind sound resonance technique)

I am on the way to making a better version of myself Vidya 2.0. Ever grateful to the yeoman’s service by the FFD team, the passionate endeavor is driven by  Dr. Pramod, and the firm yet affectionate push by Dr. Malhar and introducing the basics of physical fitness, to find the athletic identity.

My gratitude to my family for the constant support and motivation. My heartfelt thanks to my teachers, Kuldeep Ji (yoga) ; My niece Sangeetha (introducing me to strength training), and my personal trainer Silas Rabi for keeping me stronger in this journey.


Reverse Diabetes