Unveiling the Freedom: How FFD Helped Me Regain Control

Diabetes No More: My FFD Transformation and Weight Loss

  • Name - Mrs. Divya Chandel
  • Age - 53 Years Young
  • Profession - Professor
  • Place - Ahmedabad

Hello all,

I'm Divya Chandel from Ahmedabad.

My diabetes story

In 2013, a non-healing infection prompted me to seek medical attention, leading to a life-altering discovery. Upon undergoing tests, it was revealed that I had diabetes, and that marked the beginning of my journey with medication.

As time passed, my regular visits to the physician became increasingly frustrating as the dosages of my medications continued to rise, and the looming possibility of insulin therapy filled me with apprehension.

From that point forward, my relentless quest for a solution commenced, as I sought to regain control over my health and find a sustainable path towards well-being.

How was FFD introduced?

Dr. B. M. Hegde's video, in which he highlighted the remarkable efforts of Dr. Pramod Tripathi in the field of diabetes reversal, left a compelling impression.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. FFD was offering hope. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Mrs. Divya Chandel

Reversal story

My journey with FFD has been nothing short of a profound revelation. It has fundamentally reshaped my understanding of health, highlighting that it encompasses far more than just diet and exercise.

Embracing the four powerful FFD protocols, I witnessed a remarkable transformation in my well-being. In a mere 15 days, the astonishing news of discontinuing all my medications arrived, putting an end to a decade-long struggle.

Even though I was never overweight, I swiftly attained my target weight through the combination of the FFD diabetes reversal diet, juice feasting, and fasting. FFD seems to have discovered the elusive formula for weight loss.

My quest to uncover my athletic identity continues, but one thing is clear - adopting FFD as a lifelong lifestyle is the ultimate path to sustained health and vitality.

Key quote

FFD is the ideal destination for individuals in pursuit of diabetes reversal and overall well-being.

Key takeaways

  • Medicine stopped
  • Weight loss 5 kg
  • Found a sustainable path