Two weeks—that’s all it took FFD to set me free of all diabetes medicines!

- Name- Mrs. Priyanka Sinha
- Age- 38 years
- Profession- Housewife
- Place - Pune
As a mother of two small children below 10, I used to be the stereotypical mom, always frazzled, fatigued and struggling to cope, but there was another darker reason for my problems—diabetes!
My tryst with diabetes began during the third trimester of my first pregnancy. I was diagnosed with diabetes in December 12 20xx. Since oral medicine is not prescribed during pregnancy, I was put on insulin, which gradually went up to 22 units during the final days of my pregnancy.
Despite the discomfort, I was not unduly worried and the doctor assured me that the diabetes was of a type known as gestational diabetes, which disappears after 6 weeks of delivery. After 6 weeks I did not bother to check it, thinking it must have disappeared.
But on September 15 it reappeared in my life. I was pregnant with my second child when diabetes struck during the first trimester itself, and this time, I was also suffering from Thyroid. Nine months on insulin is a really, really tough time. I was taking insulin and checking my BSL four times a day.
My thigh was sore, hard and red all over, and so were my fingertips from the constant pricking. Each injection takes almost a week to heal but as I had to take it four times a day, there was little time to heal; I ended up injecting on the same spots repeatedly. Since it was gestational diabetes, I thought it would reverse after 6 weeks, but that didn’t happen.
I was eventually diagnosed with full-blown diabetes and prescribed oral Metformin twice a day. My HbA1C was at the time teetering on the brink, between 6.2 – and 6.5. Unfortunately, my uncontrolled food cravings pushed my BSL up and by December 2019, it rose to 9.8.
I was so weak and fatigued, that just drinking a glass of water would lead to dizziness. Neither was I able to sleep properly at night due to frequent urination. As luck would have it, my father too was diagnosed with diabetes during the same year. He was 55 at the time.
Mrs. Priyanka Sinha
I was overweight, to begin with. Now with diabetes and my high BSL, I began suffering regular spells of dizziness, frequent urination, dry skin, and black spots on my legs. I was fed up with the constant pricking and I dreaded returning to insulin injections.
But one day, a family friend, who had joined FFD and experienced a big difference, met me, and seeing their transformation and the change in their lifestyle, I registered for the first session, held by Dr. Pramod Tripathi. The information he shared was invaluable.
I immediately began following the protocols he had shared and incredibly, not just my BSL, but my weight too began following. Hugely enthused, I joined the Holistic Transformation Program (HTP) , Batch 58, on March 20.
It seems miraculous to me even now, but within two weeks all my diabetes medicines were stopped by my FDD doctor. With the help of my FFD diet expert and exercise expert, I lost almost 15 kg and my Hba1c dropped to 4.8.
Since the past two years, it has remained steady between 4.8 and 5.2, without any medicines. My steady A1C results gave me the confidence to take the Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT), which I cleared—not once but two times in succession.
I’m well and happy now. I follow the FFD protocols for diet, exercise, and inner transformation too. I can’t believe that two years back, I could barely walk, now if I miss a single workout, I feel incomplete and guilty.
Thanks to Dr. PramodTripathi and the FFD team, my reversal journey has been amazing throughout. Their encouragement, guidance, and knowledge transformed me and put me on the path to health and happiness.