Trust FFD, Stay Determined, and Achieve Success! - Vijayanth

From Corporate Stress to Diabetes Freedom : Vijayanth's Inspiring Story

  • Name - Mr. Vijayanth Vohra
  • Age - 46 Years Young
  • Profession - Corporate Employee
  • Place - Noida, U.P.

Hello all,

I'm Vijayanth Vohra, Chartered Accountant and working at a senior position in the corporate sector. I stay in Noida.

My diabetes story

I was diagnosed with diabetes in early 2015, by chance when I went for a routine health check-up. My BSL Fasting and PP were both above 300 and HbA1C was above 11.

With no long family history of diabetes this discovery came as a rude shock. I was also diagnosed with hypertension and high cholesterol.

I attribute my turning diabetic to long working hours, late nights, weekend work, and unhealthy eating habits, with no exercise all of which took a significant toll on my lifestyle and, ultimately, my health. I was put on medication.

Simultaneously, I made certain changes to my lifestyle including changing my job and made an effort to adopt a healthier lifestyle, but with time I slipped back into old habits.

Then in 2020 COVID happened and “co-morbidities” was a term that was being attributed to more serious complications from COVID.

During this period I also witnessed others around me suffering from diabetes-related complications and this added to my stress and anxiety.

I realized I needed to take this situation seriously and make a change. But there seemed to be no solution to reversing or even stopping the progression of diabetes.

How was FFD introduced?

FFD happened by chance while scrolling through Instagram message of Dr. Pramod Tripathi.

What made me choose FFD?

I wanted a healthy and fitter life without medicines. FFD was offering hope. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Mr. Vijayanth Vohra

Reversal story

As I mentioned earlier, everything happens for a reason, and my encounter with FFD has undoubtedly been the best thing to happen in my life. It turned out to be the pivotal moment I never saw coming.

The reduction in my diabetes medication was swift, and within just one month, I broke free from their grip. Consequently, my HbA1c levels improved remarkably, dropping from 6.4 with medication to a healthy 5.1 without them, a feat that fills me with immense gratitude.

Shedding 25 kilograms, going from 93 kilograms to 68 kilograms, was the icing on the cake, and I now resemble a college-going teenager, leaving people astonished. I've regained boundless energy, effortlessly cycling up to 60 kilometers and running 10 kilometers.

FFD has gifted me a lifelong approach to self-management, and I owe a great deal of my success to the dedicated FFD team, particularly my doctor, Dr. Manasi Jambavalikar, whose unwavering commitment played a crucial role in my journey.

Key quote

" Place your trust in FFD, maintain your determination, and the outcomes will follow.  Popping pills is not the solution."