Transforming My Life with FFD: A Professor's Success Story
Achieving Health and Positivity: Ganesh Shinde's FFD Journey
- Name - Mr. Ganesh Shinde
- Age - 45 Years Young
- Profession - Professor
- Place - Nasik
Hello all,
I'm Ganesh Shinde, a Professor at an Engineering College, residing in Nasik.
Key Takeaways
- Medicine Stopped
- HbA1c Improved
- Enhanced Positivity
My Diabetes Story
In March 2022, a routine blood test revealed that I had diabetes, which came as a surprise since there is no family history of this condition.
The news of being diagnosed with diabetes was unsettling and left me searching for answers. Despite my efforts, I couldn't pinpoint the exact reason behind it.
Deep down, I harbored a strong desire to overcome this situation and regain my health.
How was FFD Introduced?
Social media namely Facebook & YouTube were the major sources to learn about FFD.
What made me choose FFD?
The idea of reversing diabetes motivated me to join FFD. I intended to restore my health without relying on medications, while also acquiring valuable scientific knowledge about health and the reversal of diabetes.
Mr. Ganesh Shinde
Reversal Story
My journey with FFD has been wonderful, exceeding my expectations. Following the customized plan proved fruitful from day one, as my sugar levels began to stabilize.
Within a month, I received the best news: I could stop my medication. My HbA1c improved from 9.2 to 7.3.
My daily routine changed, resulting in improved energy levels. The inner transformation sessions were excellent; the counselor explained the causes and effects of stress clearly and motivated me with techniques to maintain inner peace.
Weight-wise, I have been successful in achieving my target weight loss. All thanks to the FFD diet and exercise regime.
Now, I feel very energetic and positive, with great hope for permanently reversing diabetes. I even participated in marathons, something I had never done before.