Transforming Lives: My Journey to Freedom from Diabetes with FFD

Overjoyed to have reversed diabetes and dropped 15 kg

  • Name - Mrs. Roma Farheen Sajjada
  • Age - 40 Years Young
  • Profession - Software Engineer
  • Place - Pune

Hello all,

I'm Roma Farheen Sajjada a software engineer from Pune.

My diabetes story

Upon experiencing a persistent sense of weakness, I decided to seek medical attention.

The doctor conducted an examination and discovered boils on my thigh. He recommended that I undergo routine tests to determine the underlying cause of the problem.

After receiving the results, it was revealed that I had type 2 diabetes - a condition that runs in my family as my father also has it.

This revelation came as a shock, but at least now we knew what was causing my discomfort and could begin treatment accordingly.

How did FFD happen?

My Doctor suggested I  join some reversal program, then we started to search via Google. It was during that time my husband found out about FFD.

What made me choose FFD?

I had never taken medicines and never wanted to either. With FFD, saw hope. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately

Mrs. Roma Farheen Sajjada

Reversal story

As a diabetic, managing my sugar levels and overall health is a battle. However, I was very lucky to have found FFD - a program that has completely transformed my life.

By following their 4 protocols meticulously, I began noticing a significant improvement in my blood sugar level.  My HbA1c dropped from 6.8 to a very normal level of 5.7, which was nothing short of a miracle.

My weight loss of 15 kg has also been great.

FFD has brought about a renewed sense of awareness regarding health and wellness in me.

I do one hour of functional training daily.  Now I'm eager to begin swimming as it will help me maintain optimal fitness levels while allowing me to de-stress too!

Key quote

All thanks to FFD for this newfound hope and positivity instilled in me."

Key takeaway

  • Diabetes reversed
  • Weight loss 15 kg