Total Weight Loss As Couple : 42 Kg

Weight Loss Story: The banker and His Wife Successfully Loss 42 Kg Weight
- Name- Mr. Ravindra Nayak
- Age - 63
- Profession - Retired Banker from Udupi Karnataka
- Place- Udupi, Karnataka
- Name- Mrs. Amita Nayak
- Age - 44
- Profession - Clinical Research Organization
- Place- Udupi, Karnataka
Myself, Mr. Ravindra Nayak, a 63-year-old Retired Banker from Udupi Karnataka was fit and fine for most of my life except for right knee arthroscopy in the year 1999. Though I have a family history of diabetes from the maternal side, I still am a non-diabetic.
In August 2019, I was diagnosed to have high BP and cholesterol for which I was immediately put on medication. I also was suffering from acidity, gases, back pain, joint pain, fatty liver grade 1, varicose veins. All this must not have happened overnight, I realized... must have been due to my lifestyle, maybe.
Came to know about "Freedom from Diabetes" through family friends who were also FFD participants of 61 batch Pradeep Shenoy and Prakash Shenoy. The story goes like this - Once when I and my wife were going for a walk, we met our family friend Mr. Pradeep Shenoy. We noticed that he was looking pretty slim and running much comfortably.
This made us think how a fellow who used to be overweight must have achieved this? We decided to finally approach him and asked him his secret of weight loss and fitness. He told that he had joined an FFD's Diabetes Reversal Program as he was diabetic and his sugar levels are now under control and his fitness level had increased due to weight loss.
πΈ We were so impressed and stunned by their progress that we decided to join FFD the very next day itself. πΈ
I was non-diabetic and joined FFD for weight loss, high cholesterol, and high BP. There was no going back after that.
I would love to list my *achievements after *joining FFD, which are like
- Cholesterol level reduced from 240 to normal range 140.
- BP reduced from 150/100 high to 120/80 normal range.
- Weight loss details: Lost 20. 2kg from 82 to 61.80 kg
- BMI reduced from 29 to 22.90 and total of 6.1 BMI loss.
- My fitness level achievements after joining FFD would look like this πͺ
- Gym for 2 hours
- 900 stairs climbing with 10 kg weight ( 300 x 3 in a day)
- Did water fasting for 6 days
- More flexibility in doing yoga.
Hello All... myself Mrs. Amita Nayak, 44 years old master's in Pharmacy, have been working in a Clinical Research Organization which deals with generic medicine. I am also a Reiki Master and healer and treated around 4000 patients.
In the year 2012, I realized that I had started suffering from excessive thirst, urination, hunger along with tiredness, giddiness. All this made me get my medical checkup done where I was diagnosed to be diabetic with a very HbA1c of 13.5. I also must mention that I was overweight with a weight of 115 kg at that time. I was put on 21 units of insulin initially and then maintained on medication.
Till 2020, I reduced my weight by gym and diet and it came down to 101 kg but then it hit a plateau.I and my husband both joined FFD at the same time. I joined it for my *diabetes type 2, frozen shoulder, and spondylosis problem.*
I joined FFD on 24th August 2020 and was free from medication in just 7 days of joining, that was amazing.
On listing my current status it would look like...
- Free from diabetes medication
- Weight loss of 21.8 kg (101 kg to 79.2 kg) in 4 months
- HbA1c down from 11.5 to 6.5.
- 80 % recovery from frozen shoulder
- Free from cervical spondylosis!
- My achievements on exercise and fitness level would be like...
- Athletic gymmer:
- 900 stair climbing with 10 kg weight (i.e. 300x3 times in a day)
- Able to do 600 squats
- Elevated Energy level...can workout for 2.30 to 3.50 hrs
- Can push a cart filled with 240 kg - 12 rounds
- Can burn 800 calories by rowing in 1 hour.
- Flexibility in doing yoga
π’ I have also successfully completed water fast for 6 days.
πππBoth of us are extremely satisfied with joining FFD and very much grateful to Dr. Pramod Tripathi and his FFD team.