This is How I Reversed my Diabetes. You Can Too!

- Name- Mr. Ram Menon
- Age- 56 years
- Profession- IT professional
- Place - Dubai
As the GM of a large IT company based in Dubai with operations across the GCC, I am always on call, and though I enjoy my work, it is quite intensive and stressful.
About fifteen years ago, during the course of a routine health check, my blood sugar levels were found to be quite high. The doctor’s diagnosis was not surprising: diabetes.
My mother was diabetic, so I guess I should have expected it, but it was a shock nonetheless. As the days went by, I started experiencing tiredness and fatigue throughout the day.
I also developed acid reflux and breathing problems. Meanwhile, my weight had ballooned too, until it reached almost 90 kg.
My doctor had put me on a daily dose of Metformin/Linagliptin (2.5mg/1000mg) for diabetes, I was also taking PitavaSatin (2mg) for my cholesterol as well as oral medicine for acid reflux
The worst of it was that the doctors could offer no hope that the medicines would stop or even reduce. It looked like I was going to be taking medicines for life. I hated it, and dreamed of returning to a medicine-free healthy life.
Then one day while watching a video posted by the eminent Dr. B.M. Hegde, I came across a mention of FFD and its founder Dr. Pramode Tripathi.
The doctor spoke about diabetes reversal with lucidity and passion. He also presented some unbelievable success stories, which made me quite excited and hopeful that I too could become free of diabetes.
Subsequently, in Feb 2019, I joined FFD. Within three weeks, I was free of diabetic medicine, and a few days later, cholesterol medicines too went away.
My HbA1C, which was 8.0 came down to 6.1, and my weight reduced by about 15 kilos. The program had proved a resounding success! Now I feel happy, confident, and energetic. I’ve been completely free from all medication since Feb 2019.
Mr. Ram Menon
For those who might be interested, this is my typical diet & exercise regimen
I start my day with a tasty besan chilla or two. Besan chilla is easy to make, tasty, and healthy. It is very low in carbohydrates and the fiber in the chilla ensures slow, controlled glucose absorption
Alternatively, I have a couple of eggs with brown bread or a medu vada with sambhar and chutney. All these options are low in carbs and do not boost blood sugar.
I follow FFD’s prescribed 25:25:25:25 formulae with White rice or Chapati.
Once a week I have some non-veg food
Dinner is the same as lunch. The vegetables may vary but the proportions on my plate remain the same. I alternate between millets, pulses, legumes and leafy greens
I do occasionally pamper myself with a piece of dark chocolate (78% Cocoa), or any other small portion of sweetmeat that’s available in the house.
My exercise routine is a regular affair now. FFD has taught me the importance of fitness and its impact on BSL. So I make it a point to exercise every day for about an hour.
I do some form or cardio training or strength training five times a week, and Yoga asanas with pranayama breathing twice a week. I try to incorporate 24 Suryanamaskars.
Thrice a week I get on my stationary bike and cycle for about 8 to 10 km.
This routine is working excellently for me. I feel strong, healthy and energized. And my HbA1C has remained steady at a 6.2.
FFD truly transformed me and introduced me to a healthier happier, and in so many ways, sweeter life. Thank you.