They told me diabetes was for life. FFD proved that it is not!

- Name- Mr. Kaushik Mukherjee
- Age- 46 years
- Profession- HSE Advisor, Royal Dutch Shell, Qatar
- Place - Qatar
I am a health and safety advisor at the Royal Dutch Shell organization in Qatar. You might wonder how a professional advisor can be caught off guard by such a common disorder like diabetes, and I’ve often wondered the same myself. But diabetes is such an insidious disease that I was caught completely off guard.
In 2013, during a routine annual health check, I was discovered to be diabetic. My parents are not diabetic through my maternal uncles do suffer from diabetes, so I don’t know if that qualifies me for hereditary status either.
Whatever the reason, the diagnosis came as a shock. My doctor immediately put me on oral medication, which seemed to improve my condition for a while, but the medicine dosages kept going up.
In addition, I began to suffer from other problems like frequent urination, fatigue, and skin yeast infections. I had also begun to put on weight and by the time I joined FFD, I was close to 100 kilos—94 to be exact.
As my medicines increased so did my frustration. Everyone, even my doctors told me that diabetes was for life, and I definitely didn’t want to be chained to tablets all my life. But it seemed hopeless. Then one day, a friend, who happened to be an FFD's Diabetes Reversal Program participant himself told me about the organization and its founder Dr. Pramod Tripathi.
His enthusiasm infected me too and I signed up for the Discover Reversal Session with Dr. Pramod. He was very lucid and his explanations about the causes of diabetes and the science behind its reversal got me excited about the possibility of becoming free from my meds.
Mr. Kaushik Mukherjee
I duly signed up for the Holistic Transformation Program (Batch 62), and begin following FFD’s diabetes reversal protocols of diet, exercise, stress release, and medical supervision. The program is well structured and conducted in phases that mimic the actual reversal.
Each participant was assigned a dedicated team of doctors, diet experts, exercise expert, psychologist, and support staff. I was pleasantly surprised to experience the high level of dedication and commitment of these experts. They are well informed but not patronizing and they took me through the various stages step by step.
Whenever I had a problem, they were there to guide me through it. The results soon began to show and by October 2020, I was completely free from all my medicines. I still remember the day my doctor told me I didn’t need to take diabetes medicines any longer.
It was like I had been set free from a heavyweight that I had thought I would have to suffer for life. Almost without noticing, like a very pleasant side effect of the program, my weight too had begun to drop. By the end of the year, I had shed a full 16 kilograms, dropping from an obese 94 kg to a normal 78 kg.
I feel so much lighter now, and very energetic too. My Blood Sugar Level (BSL) too is well under control, with a very normal HbA1C of less than 5.0. I have relaxed a little but I have mostly stuck to my diet—especially the daily green smoothie, and I’ve kept my fitness routine going, as I think I’ve gotten a bit addicted to it. I exercise with weights, jog, perform planks and do the suryanamaskar daily.
Like FFD says, life is sweet again, and it wouldn’t have happened without the amazing Dr Pramod Tripathi and the team at FFD. I shall remain forever in their debt.