The FFD Effect - My Story Of Reversing Diabetes & Co-Morbidities

How FFD Effectively Reversed My Diabetes And Co-Morbidities Like BP & Thyroid

  • Name - Mr. Shekhar Saxena
  • Age - 59 Years Young
  • Profession - Deputy General Manager
  • Place - Mumbai

Hello all,

I'm Shekhar Saxena holding the position of Deputy General Manager at The New India Assurance Co.

Key Takeaways

  • Diabetes Medicine Stopped
  • Reduction in Thyroid & BP Medicines
  • Weight Loss 23 kg

My Diabetes Story

The discovery of my diabetes was accidental. During a family trip to my brother's place in 1998, he, being health-conscious, took me to a diagnostic center for various tests. Surprisingly, my fasting sugar level that day was around 190.

While he lectured me about it in the evening, I dismissed it as a one-time reading and attributed it to my diet the previous evening. However, the next day, the fasting blood sugar result was nearly identical.

Considering the strong family history of diabetes on both sides, this likely played a significant role in triggering my condition.

How did FFD Happen?

After stumbling upon a video featuring Dr. Tripathi, I was immediately captivated and wasted no time in joining his first lecture (DRS).

What made me choose FFD?

I had always held the belief that allopathy merely focused on managing medical conditions rather than providing actual cures.

However, my perspective shifted when I encountered Dr. Pramod Tripathi's innovative and scientifically backed approach to diabetes treatment. Intrigued by his alternative methodology, I decided to join the annual program called HTP.

Mr. Shekhar Saxena

Reversal Story

In April 2021, I joined FFD, but unfortunately, just after one month, on May 10th, I tested positive for COVID-19, which forced me to take a break from the program for almost two months. However, I resumed my journey on July 15th, 2021.

When I initially started, my Hba1c was 8.7, and my weight was 98 kg. I diligently followed all the instructions provided, including the prescribed diet, workout routines, and incorporating smoothies into my routine, giving it my full commitment.

This journey proved to be incredibly encouraging for me as I witnessed significant weight reduction and observed positive changes in various health parameters, leading to a decrease in the need for diabetes medications.

On October 4th, almost three months after rejoining, all my diabetes medications were discontinued. Additionally, my hypertension medication was reduced from 5 mg twice daily to 2.5 mg once daily, and my thyroid medication was reduced from being taken all seven days a week to six days a week.

At present, my weight stands at 75 kg, and my Hba1c is 5.6. I have successfully maintained these levels for over two years. I am still actively connected with FFD and continuously renew my membership to stay focused on my health goals.

The program has provided me with a deep understanding of my own body and the positive/negative effects of different food items.

I must admit that I have always had a sweet tooth, but FFD has helped me enjoy sweets with caution and without fear, thanks to their guidance and support.

Currently, I follow a workout routine consisting of three days of cardio exercises, two days of weightlifting, and one day dedicated to yoga.

This balanced regimen has had a positive impact on my overall well-being, making me feel significantly better and physically stronger.

Key Quote

Reversing diabetes and reduction in other medicines is a great feeling altogether.