Sustainable Freedom from Diabetes and Cholesterol in just 90 Days

  • Name- Mr. Naresh Gour
  • Age- 49 years
  • Profession- IT Professional
  • Place - Pune

I am Naresh Gour, a 49 years young, Engineer (E&TC) MBA from Pune.  I have good three decades of extensive insights and experience in IT infrastructure & service management and more.  Worked for 20 years with the world’s leading telecommunication BSS (Business Support System) provider company named Amdocs before co-founding a startup in 2020, for building an IT platform for non-profit organizations. Now, handling a full-time Co-Founder and COO role of MettaSocial Pvt. Ltd. My work profile requires me to travel a lot.

I came to know about my diabetic status in 2006 during a routine medical check-up.  I think it was the result of professional stress, some personal stress, and family history from the maternal side. I was regular in my Gym workout for the past 5 years. My Diabetes was 15+ years old, HbA1c on joining FFD was maintained at 6.9 but with medicines before every meal.  I was also taking medicine for controlling my cholesterol level for the past 10 years.

I suffered from acidity, gases, anger, high cholesterol, edema, and knee pain. I came to know about FFD through an office colleague who was very much convinced that diabetes can be reversed.  I was surprised but agreed to join the Discover Reversal Session with Dr. Pramod Tripathi and afterward decided to join FFD.

Mr. Naresh Gour

In 90 days, I was free from both my diabetes and cholesterol medicine. I regret ignoring my diet changes in the first month else it could have been much earlier.  HbA1c came from 6.9 to 5.4.  I have sustained to be off all medicines since May 2020

I reduced 6 kg of fat from my body weight in the first 3 months and then increased my muscle mass, BMI came to 23 from 26. My fat percentage dropped significantly from 17% to 3% of total body weight. Earlier my fat percentage was stagnant regardless of how extensive workout I did.

From the meditation point of view, I was not able to sit even for 5 min of meditation with my eyes closed. But now I manage to meditate for 30-60 min easily. I do 108 mystic mantra Surya namaskar once a month, I opted for Cycling and Gymming as my athlete identity. 2 days of cycling and 2 days of the gym and go for a bicycle ride for 100+ km over the weekend. Running 5-10 km became easier for me and all the knee and heel pain has gone.

I cleared IGT in 2020 and now I'm am happy to share that I cleared GTT in 2021 which is very satisfying news for me. I was the winner of the GTT champion award in the "Service" category.

The most important point I would like to put forth is FFD treatment is not just focused on diabetes but on overall health and fitness. This can be proved by my example. I went through COVID in the second wave and dengue in November 2021 but still, my sugars were found to be stable. This kind of crisis could not shatter my health as the improvement is from within, at a deeper level.

All thanks to FFD for giving me sustainable health.

Thanks, FFD

Reverse Diabetes