Sunildatta Gajanan Rege: A beautiful story of insulin reversal

 Insulin stopped, doing fine

  • Name-  Mr. Sunildatta Gajanan  Rege 
  • Age-  64 Years Young
  • Profession- Business Owner
  • Place - Thane

Hello all,

I'm Sunildatta Gajanan Rege a business owner from Thane, Maharashtra.

My diabetes story

I remember I was very young just 34 years of age when I was not well and went to see my doctor. He could not diagnose the reason for it but at that time my sugar levels were on the higher side.

I was not ready to believe it as none of my parents suffered from this disorder. Random checks after that always showed higher levels which finally made me believe I was a diabetic.

Of course, this was not a piece of good news. I did not face any major problems due to diabetes except for one hypoglycemic episode.

How did FFD happen?

It was one of my friends through whom I came to know about FFD. She had joined for weight loss and was happy with the benefits.

What made me choose FFD?

I wanted freedom from medicines. With FFD, I saw a hope of going free of medicines. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Reversal story

One thing was very clear in my mind my approach to this program would be very sincere. I followed every instruction strictly and got good results. My insulin stopped soon. I am very hopeful that I would be out of drugs too.

My weight was never in excess so there was no need to lose weight.  On the contrary, I lost 4 kg but I am sure will gain it back with proper advice from the FFD team. 

My HbA1c is also showing great improvement. I do weight training, and general exercises every day. I would like to choose my athletic identity as a gymmer.

Key quotes

"I am absolutely fine and happy. FFD diabetes reversal diet suits me."

Key takeaways

  • Insulin stopped
  • Satisfied