Suneel S Yadavalli: Enjoying real freedom from medicines

- Name- Mr. Suneel S Yadavalli
- Age- 50 years
- Profession- Regional IT Service Delivery Manager
- Place - Bahrain
I was just not aware of the fact that 'Diabetes is reversible and one can achieve sustainable reversal" till I came to FFD. FFD came into my life and the rest is history.
I am Suneel Yadavalli, 50 years old, work as a Regional IT Service Delivery Manager based out of Bahrain. I must confess I have a very hectic work life and this definitely took a toll on my life. To add to it, I also have a family history of diabetes on both sides, maternal and paternal.
I was diagnosed with diabetes in December 2020 with very high HbA1c of 14.6 during routine tests done along with high lipids. News of diabetes was not a shock but the HbA1c value definitely was.
I wondered how I have not come to know about it. Later on, was made to understand that the absence of classical symptoms in almost 50% of people is what makes it most dangerous.
This high HbA1c could not be managed with just oral medicines. So my doctor put me on insulin. I was on 10 units of insulin, one unit of Foxiga, and twice Metformin for some time.
FFD is reaching a larger number of people day by day and this is the best thing. I came to know about it through one of my relatives who already was a participant.
Just the thought that there is some positive way, had aroused a lot of hopes in me. The next thing I did was attended the online session of Dr. Pramod Tripathi from my place, Bahrain. The session gave us an overview of how diabetes reversal actually happens which was simply superb. I soon joined HTP batch 77.
Mr. Suneel S Yadavalli
Little did I know that it was the beginning of a beautiful and joyous journey towards health. I had decided to approach this program sincerely and so followed everything suggested right from day 1.
When I started in December 2021, I was having HbA1c of 5.9 without insulin, with Foxiga and Metformin intake. I weighed 73.4 Kg for my height of 167 cm.
With FFD's Diabetes Reversal Program, my weight reduced to 61.7 kg in 2 months and all the medicines stopped in 1 month. For the last 5 months, I have been maintaining an HbA1c of 5.8 without any medicines.
Not only this, my health saw improvement in other parameters like Vitamin D and B12 levels which were great.My exercise regime consists of 40 minutes of exercise in a day, 20 minutes of yoga, twice a week cycling, and thrice a week swimming.
I am used to a very good vegan diet and now I am taking good quantities of protein-based food at regular intervals. I feel much lighter, healthier and in complete control of myself.
I thank FFD to give me the chance to be part of diabetes reversal success stories in India
Enjoying life 2.0.... all thanks to FFD.