Sundar Subbarao: A miraculous diabetes reversal story

  • Name-  Mr. Sundar Subbarao
  • Age-  56 Years Young
  • Profession- Manager - IT Company
  • Place - Chennai

Why did I join FFD?


I had a lot of issues due to uncontrolled diabetes.


Hello Friends

I am Sundar Subbarao from Chennai. I am an IT professional, working in a small software company in a managerial position.

My father was a diabetic. My Brother who is also a diabetic is doing an FFD program. On my mother's side, both my uncles were diabetic.

All-in-all, I can say I have a strong family medical history of diabetes. Stress-wise, there has been personal stress.

How was my diabetes diagnosed?

I remember, in 2004, I had a small tumor in my nose. The ENT doctor told me to take random sugar which came out to be high at 260.

It was confirmed that I had diabetes. Initial years, I took oral tablets but since 2013 I have been put on insulin.

Mr. Sundar Subbarao

Difficulties faced

I faced a lot of problems like excess thirst, eyesight issues, itching sensation, being overweight, hypertension, etc. 

In 2018, I was having continuous migraines which would last for days. This also was due to uncontrolled diabetes.

Recently in 2019, creatinine was found to be 1.7. Legs and face were swollen. I was really worried and wanted to find a way to solve this naturally.  The doctor advised me to get a kidney biopsy done, which I did not want to do.

This is how FFD happened

Fortunately, I came to know about FFD through my sister's relative on her husband's side. Signed up for FFD diabetes reversal program HTP and this is the best thing that happened to me.

FFD journey

Insulin stopped within a few days of joining the FFD program.  Sugars are well-controlled now. The current HbA1c level is 5.6. Weight loss has been great. I was at 82 kg before joining FFD, and now at 65 kg. A good 17 kg weight loss.

My eyesight has improved which has been a pleasant surprise. Earlier, even though I tried cutting down my salt intake, my BP used to be very high. But now with the FFD line of treatment, my BP is normal.

Creatinine has come down to 1.1 -1.2 which is fine according to the FFD doctor.


I feel much better, sleep well now. I no longer take the elevator which was impossible earlier. I am hopeful I will be free from BP medicines too.

The whole FFD team is superb. I am grateful to all the experts to have supported me in my journey. Please convey my special thanks to Diet Expert, Divya, for being there right from day one.



  • Freedom from insulin
  • 17 kg weight loss
  • Creatinine normal


    Other health problem