Sugar, weight, and knee pain- all under control

- Name- Mrs. Shaila K V
- Age- 51 years
- Profession- Works in Postal Dept
- Place - Bangalore
This is called complete transformation..the one I achieved coming to FFD. I am Shaila K V, a 51 year young, graduate from Bangalore. I work in Postal Department here.
Got to know about my diabetes in 2011. Interestingly, I do not have any family history of diabetes. So it was never on my mind. But one has to face the reality...
Soon after being diagnosed with diabetes, I faced another bad situation. I suffered from a stomach infection which needed hospitalization.
Later, in 2016, I underwent gall bladder removal surgery too. Now, when I look back, it seems to be related to the imbalance in the whole system. Personal and professional stress could have been the triggering factors, I think.
One thing I would like to mention here is that I was always hopeful that there could be some way out. Got the name of FFD and Dr. Pramod Tripathi from Dr. B.M. Hegde's video. He said all good things about Dr. Tripathi's work in the field of diabetes reversal which itself was an assurance.
I visited the FFD site and read all the information available. The freedom stories and video testimonials were very inspiring and encouraging.
Mrs. Shaila K V
I attended the online session of Dr. Pramod Tripathi first which gave an overview of the causes of diabetes and how they help people reverse diabetes.
Now there was hope that finally, my 10 long years of suffering was going to end. I joined the FFD diabetes reversal program - HTP batch 74.
The 4 protocols of FFD are very well blended. FFD team is truly a complete team of experts. Diet was explained in detail, especially the major and minor green concepts in a smoothie.
The exercise team suggested a customized knee pain exercise regime which helped me immensely. This is a truly customized treatment. Now my knee pain has reduced by 50%.
Diabetics are threatened to fast, but FFD totally busted this myth. I am proud to announce I successfully completed 108 hours of fast which seemed impossible before coming to FFD.
My medicines have reduced and I have lost around 7 to 8 kg. When asked to choose my athletic identity, I chose to be an athletic yogi. Doing well and very happy with my overall progress.
Thank you, FFD