Stabilised my Fluctuating sugar levels with FFD

Hello, I am Ajit Inamdar from Pune, age 40 years, by profession manager in Automobile Industry.

“Every tunnel has a light towards its end.” To me, earlier this was just any other quote.

But when I actually experienced this light after being in the dark tunnel for eight years, I believe that this was not just a quote but a reality.


Friends, I had been a diabetic for eight years before joining the FFD Holistic Transformation Program.

My diabetes would be uncontrolled and since my both parents are diabetics, I housed a mindset that my diabetes cannot be cured- even if I try every possible method.

I had read a lot of literature published abroad about controlling diabetes and based on my reading, I was under the impression that diabetes can be controlled but cannot be cured/ reversed.

One day one of my friends sent me an interview with Dr. Pramod about FFD on Whats App. After a couple of days, I again watched one more interview of Dr. Pramod on television, and then I decided to follow the path shown by Dr. Pramod.

I did not have any other health issues other than diabetes and acidity. Surprisingly, soon after joining the FFD - from December 13th, 2015 – within the first few days, my acidity problem got resolved.

I started losing weight and my sugar levels too started dipping. In just a couple of weeks’ time, my doctor reduced my medicines and within a span of six more weeks, all my medicines came to a halt! Thus, on January 27th, 2016, I was free from medicines.

During the adjustment phase, I had thoroughly enjoyed the smoothie and the FFD diet and I had started feeling highly energetic. During this crucial phase, I had started enjoying JF and my weight reduced by 13 Kilos. 

Once all my medicines stopped, initially, my sugar levels did not behave too well and kept fluctuating. This made me very anxious and stressed. During this phase, our Guide Sunanda Madam helped me a lot and her words of wisdom calmed my ruffled feathers.

And to my amazement, in the next couple of weeks, my sugar levels settled down. My Hba1C, which was 10.1, just after joining the program reduced to 6.2 in three months and further stooped down to 5 within another three months.

July 16th, 2016, was the historic day of my life as on that golden day I cleared GTT with a BSL of 114. I was officially declared to have reversed from diabetes. 

Friends, I wholeheartedly believe that my Diabetes reversal – that earlier seemed highly impossible to me - happened due to the much revered modern-day God - Dr. Pramod Tripathi.

Besides, his entire FFD team which includes Doctors, support staff, Mentors, and our guide Sunanda madam are strong pillars in this mission. Apart from these efficient professionals, this journey would not have been possible without the great support of my wife - Dr. Smita.

Dr. Pramod is a very pleasant and down-to-earth person with just one mission in mind of eliminating diabetes from India and from the entire world. He is doing very noble work.

I feel blessed to now be a part of the FFD team as a mentor and to help Dr. Pramod in achieving his goal. I wish that in the near future, Dr. Pramod will receive Nobel Prize in medicine. I wish Dr. Pramod and his entire crew all the very best!