Shripal Subhash Khajanchi: A diabetes reversal story from Nagpur

Medicine stopped, 6 points HbA1c drop

  • Name-  Mr. Shripal Subhash Khajanchi
  • Age-  39 Years Young
  • Profession- Business owner
  • Place - Nagpur

Hi all,

I am Shripal Subhash Khajanchi an electrical contractor from Nagpur. 

My diabetes story

A regular checkup in November 2021 gave me shattering results. My fasting sugars were 420, PP 520, and HbA1c 11.5.

Since I do not have any family history of diabetes, my doctor did not put me on insulin but he did put me on high doses of medicines.

Since my father is from a pharmaceutical background, I knew what side effects allopathy medicines cause and did not want to continue like this.

How did FFD happen?

I began searching for solutions to diabetes and landed up at Freedom from Diabetes. I found there were many organizations working on this but found FFD to be authentic.

Why made me join FFD?

I wanted freedom from diabetes. With FFD, I saw a hope of going free of medicines. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal programHTP immediately.

Reversal story

It has been a wonderful journey at FFD. All my diabetes medicines stopped within one month of joining the program. My HbA1c saw a big drop from 11.5 to 5.5 in just three months.

My weight loss has been 6 kg. I like to do walking and yoga and given a chance would like to choose yogi as my athletic identity. I benefitted and would like others to benefit from FFD too.

Key quotes 

"This has been the best experience without any doubt. A healthy body is real wealth."

Key takeaways 

  • Medicine stopped
  • 6 points HbA1c drop