Saying Goodbye to Insulin & Medicine: My FFD Victory Over Diabetes

Retirement Reborn: Conquering Diabetes and Reclaiming Wellness

  • Name - Mr. SV Rangarajan
  • Age - 70 Years Young
  • Profession - Retired
  • Place - Hyderabad

Hello all,

My Name is SV Rangarajan. I'm currently living in Hyderabad and savoring my retirement years.

Key Takeaways

  • Insulin Stopped
  • Medicine Stopped
  • Weight Loss 12 kg

My Diabetes Story

In 2002, a routine medical examination revealed I had diabetes. While this diagnosis was unwelcome, it wasn't entirely unexpected given my family's medical history and the stress of my career.

For several years, I managed my condition with oral medications. However, by February 2023, my doctor prescribed insulin. Despite increasing the dosage to 22 units and continuing with other medications, my blood sugar levels remained difficult to regulate.

Throughout this time, I harbored a strong desire to find a way to reverse my diabetic condition.

How was FFD Introduced?

I became aware of FFD through a marketing email I received.

What made me choose FFD?

 I never liked being on medicines. FFD was offering hope so I enrolled in its type 2 diabetes reversal program HTP immediately.

Mr. SV Rangarajan

Reversal Story

Joining FFD was a pivotal decision. The team meticulously studied my case and crafted a personalized plan, which yielded remarkable results.

My insulin dosage was reduced to a single digit and then completely stopped within one month. Medications were discontinued after just a couple of days. Although there are occasional fluctuations in my sugar levels, my FFD doctor is confident they will stabilize soon.

My HbA1c has significantly improved from 9.3 to 6.9.

I've experienced a remarkable weight loss, going from 71 kg to 59 kg.

I strictly adhere to the FFD protocols, which has led to these positive results. I practice Surya Namaskara, sit-ups, walking, and everything else that FFD recommends.

Thanks to all the experts for their excellent work.

Key Quote

Becoming free from insulin and medicines is an awesome feeling.  Thank you, FFD.