Rewriting My Health Narrative: From Multiple Issues to Medication-Free

Pivoting My Health Journey: Embracing Freedom from Medication

  • Name - Mr. Vasanth Kumar Krishnamoorthy
  • Age - 44 Years Young
  • Profession - IT Personnel
  • Place - Bangalore

Hello all,

I'm Vasanth Kumar Krishnamoorthy. I live in Bangalore and hold a leadership position in the Information Technology industry.

Key Takeaways

  • Medicine Stopped
  • Waist Reduced by 9 cm
  • Weight Reduced by 4.2 kg

My Diabetes Story

Post Covid, A health examination in May 2022 unexpectedly revealed my diabetic condition. I was pre-diabetic during 2019. Despite having a family history of diabetes on my mother's side, this diagnosis came as a shock, particularly given my young age of 42.

In addition to diabetes, I was dealing with several other health issues. These included fatty liver disease, persistent fatigue (especially after lunch), sleep difficulties, urinary tract infections, hair loss, and elevated triglyceride levels, although my LDL cholesterol was within normal range. Fortunately, I did not require insulin treatment.

I had tried Homeopathy and Ayurveda with change in lifestyle and food choices. I had turned to red rice, millets and had cut down on added sugars, did cycling for 5+ KMs a day or 20000 steps walking. Though they helped in controlling the diabetes initially, the diabetic condition will slowly rear his head again.

How was FFD Introduced?

I had been attracted towards wellness both Physical and Mental wellness. I am fond of the adage that prevention is better than cure and alternate medicines. I regularly watch Dr. B.M. Hegde's YouTube videos for his take on the wellness than cure.

It was through these videos that I had first learnt about Dr. Pramod and the Freedom From Diabetes (FFD) program. The concept explained by Dr. Pramod did intrigue me and I had made a note of it.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medications. As luck would have it, I had to switch to allopathy for keeping the blood sugar level from increasing exponentially. When I was actively considering various treatment options to manage my uncontrolled diabetes, I had encountered social media advertisements for FFD.

I promptly registered for the Discover Reversal Session and attended the same, the turning point for me was the Discover Reversal Session.

Mr. Vasanth Kumar Krishnamoorthy


Lot of why’s I have been asking myself like:- 

1.Why high HBA1C despite avoiding white rice.
2.Why the fatty liver is not coming down despite long hours of walking , cycling etc,
3. Why this fatigue and low energy level the whole day despite eating healthy etc.

I had got the answers for these questions during the Discover Reversal Session, in addition to that, the energy and confidence of Dr. Pramod and openness about the data points shared in the session made us (Self and my Spouse) to sign up for the Holistic transformation programs for the type 2 diabetes reversal program and Freedom From Obesity.

My dairy intake was pretty much average for any South Indian – 200 ml of milk twice a day in the coffee, Curd/butter milk at lunch and pizzas twice a month. For the first time, I learned about the role of dairy products, IGF (Insulin-like Growth Factor), insulin resistance and their impact on diabetes and overall health.

Reversal Story

The Freedom from Diabetes (FFD) team conducted a comprehensive assessment of my condition and developed a personalized plan tailored to my specific needs.

I enrolled for the HTP Batch 108, commencing on May 24, 2024. After about a week of adhering to the HTP dietary and exercise regimens, I began experiencing low blood sugar levels. The FFD app doctor assigned to me, monitored my data round the clock, continuously adjusted my diabetes medication until they were eventually discontinued.

Also, the whole team of FFD is very passionate about their work and extend support to every query of the batch with utmost patience. Kudos to the entire team of FFD.

My fatigue has dissipated. I now wake up feeling completely fresh and begin my day with a smoothie and exercises. I also feel lighter, having lost approximately 4.2 kg from the time I had started the HTP protocols. My waist circumference has decreased from 99 cm to 90 cm.

I also gained knowledge about the balanced plate concept. While this idea was not entirely new to me, the 25% protocol was a novel approach. I had previously switched to red rice, millets, and eliminated added sugars a couple of years ago. I had also engaged in extensive walking, sometimes reaching 20,000 steps daily, equivalent to about 3 hours of walking or cycling more than 5+ km a day.

Through FFD HTP, I have learnt the proper approach to manage my health. A big thank you to this team. I wish they reach their goal of 1 Lakh freedom birds by turn of this decade sooner than later. This has a potential to have a domino effect on the next 2 generations and healthier Bharat. Our health is in our own hands.

Key Quote

Going through the Holistic Transformation Program and regaining the health is Freedom ++++, much more than a Freedom 😊.