Reversed my 17 years of Diabetes in just 23 days.

Hi, this is Sudhanshu Deshpande, 42 years old, Pune, Masters in Computer Management, working almost 20 years in IT.

I was detected with diabetes around 17yrs ago when was 25yrs old.

I was given to understand I have a bad family history of diabetes and hence it is detected at a young age.

Over the years, my tablets increased and had to start on Insulin for the last 4.5 years, starting with one dose of around 13 units and gradually it got increased to 40 units per dose three times a day (120 units).

Not being able to get the sugar reading down was the steepest challenge that I was facing.

I was contributing to my condition by not doing regular exercise and cheating on my diet once in a while.

Although over the last year, I made some drastic changes in my diet by shifting from chapati to jowar bhakri and avoiding sweets/potato, still my sugar started hovering around 170-180 Fasting and 250-280+ PP. 

One of my colleagues in the office brought up FFD in one of our discussions and he even went ahead and referred me to FFD.

As a result, I started getting calls from FFD requesting me to attend the Foundation program on 9th September 2018.

I would say that my decision to attend this session was the BEST DECISION that I took EVER related to my diabetes. It opened up new avenues of knowledge and helped me in the right direction of the reversal of diabetes.

The session was so informative and effective, that I did a spot registration for the 41st Batch Intensive Program and so my journey with FFD started.

I was assigned a dedicated Doctor (Dr. Santosh Pawar) and a Mentor to help me navigate through the day-to-day challenges on my way to a reversal.

Immediately I could see that my Doctor was so dedicated that when he found out that I had suffered hypoglycaemic condition on the night of my first day in the program, he asked me to call him up any time of the day and night the next time I start feeling such symptoms.

From there on he has held my hand with every up and down in the journey and I truly dedicate my achievement to his efforts and guidance.

From the day I started the Intensive Batch, I have lost 6 kgs till the first group session on 6th October 2018 and my complete insulin dose of 120 units had been stopped in a matter of just 23 days. 

Here are the immediate benefits that I am feeling: 

1) Feeling lighter due to significant weight loss.
2) Able to be more active and energetic due to the same reason.
3) Feeling positive and confident about defeating diabetes (which I had NEVER felt before)

I would like to thank each and every member of the FFD family who is directly/indirectly involved in helping me in my journey and most importantly,

would like to thank Dr. Pramod Tripathi for starting this noble initiative to eradicate diabetes from the face of the earth.

To Know about our programs: 
Call: 7776077760