Reversed Diabetes, Achieved Sustainable Weight Loss - Sujith's FFD Experience

My Diabetes Reversal and 13.5 kg Weight Loss Story

  • Name - Mr. Sujith Gangadharan
  • Age - 49Years Young
  • Profession - Job
  • Place - Pune

Hello all,

I'm Sujith Gangadharan from Pune.

Key Takeaways

  • Medicine Stopped
  • Weight Loss 13.5 kg
  • Superb Energy & Positivity

My Diabetes and Weight Gain Story

In 2011, a medical check-up revealed that I had diabetes. Despite a family history on my mother's side, the diagnosis was unwelcome. I was taking two allopathic (chemical) tablets daily for eight years.

Additionally, I had also put on weight up to 74.5 kg. None of my diet choices and exercises were helping me which made me realize I needed some proper guidance.

How was FFD Introduced?

I randomly came across a video by Dr. B. M. Hegde, where he recommended Dr. Pramod Tripathi is the only person capable of reversing diabetes.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. I also wanted to lose weight. FFD was offering hope so I enrolled in FFD's annual program HTP.

Mr. Sujith Gangadharan

Reversal Story

It was the best thing to have joined FFD. The FFD team assigned to me studied my case thoroughly and designed a tailor-made plan. Following this, I could see brilliant results.

My diabetes medicines stopped within three months which was superb. My HbA1c also improved from 9.2 to 6.1.

My 13.5 kg weight loss from 74.5 kg down to 61 kg in one year has been unbelievable. The most important point is this weight is sustainable.

My inner transformation session experience was amazing. It has brought a lot of positivity to me.

I feel elated and refreshed. I wish to convey my sincere gratitude to Dr. Pramod Tripathi and his amazing team for my rebirth. I was pleasantly surprised with the benefits and results within the first 3 months of the FFD program.

My heartiest wishes to the 15000 plus also who have benefited from the guidance of this astonishing team. I wish to especially thank Dr. Ashwini ( Doctor). Mrs. Durga ( dietitian) Mrs. Gauri ( exercise expert and last but not least Dr.MuyarikaBishwas for their support, recommendations, directions, and counseling.

I pray the almighty that Team FFD be angels to lakhs and lakhs of people having the condition of Diabetes /Obesity in this world as possible.

I hope and wish the entire team on their journey to reversal of 1,00,000 people at the earliest.

Key Quote

FFD is the secret of my Energy.