Rejoining in wellness!

Weight Loss Story Of Mrs. Sumangala
- Name- Mrs. Sumangala Purohith
- Age- 35 years
- Profession- Clinical Coder
- Place - Qatar
Namaste, my name is Sumangala Purohit. I am working as a Clinical Coder in one of the hospitals in Qatar. Having graduated in Ayurveda and working in the medical field for over 13 years in 2 different countries, in March 2019 it came as a shocker when I came to know that I had high Blood Pressure.
Furthermore, I found out that I had diabetes as well. Having been through some stressful situations in recent times, sudden gain in my weight, and poor lifestyle choices it was a no-brainer to understand how I ended up here at the age of 35! At the time I was weighing 72 kgs.
Soon I was put on medication and I just could not set my mind with the solution of taking pills and expect my body to function the way it should. I knew if I have come so far in illness, there must be a way out for wellness as well. Just like a reset button.
I was looking for a solution beyond pills. After relentless searching, I came across FFD.
I watched a video on YouTube where participants were felicitated for clearing “GTT”. That moment I clearly knew that ‘this is for me!’ I registered myself for the Basic Discover Reversal Session and Diabetes specialist Dr. Tripathi’s in-depth presentation was very insightful.
Soon I registered to HTP batch 46 in May. I am so glad that I chose this path.
On the 10th day of the Diabetes Reversal program, my medicine was stopped. I followed each and every guidance with nitty-gritty details as if my life depends on it! The whole design of the program, the group energy, and the close contact with the experts helped me greatly.
For me, it was like coming out of my isolation and connecting with the community of people.
The people who have come there from all walks of life and uplifting each other by their own unique journey towards healing. In three months’ time, there was a remarkable change in my lab reports and people started acknowledging positive changes in me physically.
On a deeper level, I could see how I was healing both mentally and emotionally.
Four months were over and it was time to become independent in our choices. By that time I came in contact with our fitness expert Dr. Malhar. His customized guidance in exercise and precious words of motivation helped me gauge health and fitness beyond numbers.
In his own words, he made me realize ‘fitness is not a destination but a journey. Upon his guidance, I joined a gym and blended exercise into my daily routine effortlessly.
In 6 months of starting the program takes, GTT was an accomplishment in itself for me! And getting blood sugar levels of 105 after taking 75gms of sugar was truly a liberating feeling.
Now it's a year past my diagnosis, currently, not on any medications, HbA1C is in non-diabetic range, weighing 18kgs lighter than before, managing work and life well, staying active and resting mindfully, nourishing through wholesome food, changed the whole perspective towards life… I could not have asked for more.
Seriously, I have found my reset button!!! I thoroughly enjoyed this process of transformation and still going strong towards getting better at it!
I cannot be grateful enough to Diabetes Specaislit Dr. Pramod Tripathi and Dr. Malhar for this incredible experience of optimum health and well-being. I wish and pray that this sphere of consciousness may grow bigger and bigger to help people live life at its entirely new levels.
Thanks to the whole team of FFD for all the assistance throughout the program.
I have heartfelt gratitude for transforming me from the inside out.