Reclaiming Health Together: Naznin & Tajuddin's FFD Experience

Overcoming Diabetes Together: Our FFD Success Story

  • Name - Mrs. Naznin & Mr. Tajuddin Shaikh
  • Age - 46 & 49 Years Young
  • Profession - Instructor & Corporate Employee
  • Place - Pune

Hello all,

I'm Naznin Shaikh (wife), the owner and instructor at an academy, and I'm Tajuddin Shaikh (husband), a corporate employee from Pune. We're delighted to share our journey as a couple, experiencing improved health with FFD.

Our Story

My husband Tajuddin was experiencing symptoms of excess thirst and frequent urination somewhere in 2023. At first, we ignored it but later on got scared.

I (Naznin) also had an unusual experience of having a rash on my thigh which took more time to heal.

Concerned, we got our tests done and shockingly found Tajuddin's HbA1c to be 12.7 and mine to be 11.2.

We both were also detected to have high cholesterol levels which added another layer of complication. Our friends and family members began teasing us as "Love Birds" jokingly.

We both were pretty disciplined doing exercises and having a proper sleep-wake routine which made it difficult for us to figure out what could be the reason for us to be in such a condition.

We knew, we had to come out of this.

How was FFD Introduced?

Many of our family members had joined FFD.

What made us choose FFD?

We never liked being on medicines. We also wanted to regain health. FFD was offering hope so we both enrolled in FFD's type 2 diabetes reversal program HTP immediately.

Mrs. Naznin Shaikh & Mr. Tajuddin Shaikh

Our Reversal Story

Joining FFD was the best decision we took. We got more than we expected.

The FFD team assigned to us first studied our cases in detail and jotted down a separate tailor-made plan for each of us.

We had decided (more determination from my side)that we would follow everything to the tee and show our family and friends that nothing is impossible.

Both of our sugar levels began stabilizing and we were soon given the good news of a stoppage of medicine. We were on cloud 9.

Soon our cholesterol medicines also stopped which was another great thing.

My (Naznin) weight loss from 58 kg down to 50 kg was superb. Tajuddin's (Husband) weight loss from 90kg down to 70 kg has been unbelievable.

My (Naznin) HbA1c reduction from 11.2 to 6.6, and Tajuddin's reduction from 12.7 to 5.9, are proof of how effective FFD's protocols are.

We were determined and got a proper path to correct our health through FFD.  At one point in time, I was famous for having tea wherever I went.  Now I am proud to share that I have not touched tea since the last 2 years and do not miss it too.

The cherry on the cake is that we both have cleared our GTT with flying colors.

Our experience at FFD has been nothing short of amazing.

Key Quote

The lifestyle advocated by FFD is the best, and we plan to adhere to it for life.