Ranga Raajan: An amazing reversal story from Indore

Good HbA1c drop, thyroid reversed

  • Name-  Mr. Ranga Raajan 
  • Age-  56 Years Young
  • Profession- Businessman
  • Place - Indore

Hello all,

I'm Ranga Raajan from Indore,  into business selling industrial products.

My diabetes story 

Somewhere in 2019, I observed I was constantly losing weight, so went for a health check. At that time I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and elevated sugar levels.

I was aware of my pre-diabetic status but the thyroid issue had aggravated it more. Family history-wise, both my parents contracted this disorder in their 60s which can be put as adult-onset diabetes.

How did FFD happen?

My first introduction to FFD happened In 2021 when my sister-in-law sent me information about it. I did not take it very seriously then.

In January, I was in Chennai for a family function when I saw her mother who looked like a girl barring the hair.  I was pretty impressed with her transformation. This was the second time I was made to think about FFD.

What made me choose FFD?

It was a painful experience witnessing my mother-in-law's suffering. She had kidney failure due to diabetes.  I  did not want to be a liability to my children so enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Mr. Ranga Raajan

Reversal story

My FFD journey has been interesting and a bit challenging.  Leaving coffee was a bit difficult. Smoothies and dal-based breakfasts were not a big problem.

My weight loss of 12 kg in four months has been phenomenal. By following the path suggested by FFD, my medicines have also been reduced to one-fourth dose. 

My HbA1c has seen a remarkable improvement from 7.9 down to 5.1. My thyroid medicines have been reduced to almost nil now.

It can be said that I have succeeded in reversing my thyroid issue and have been nominated in the category of Thyroid Freedom Story - Male in Muktotsav 22.

I have become very energetic. I feel and look much younger now. The only complaint is I had to change my wardrobe which has been a bit expensive affair (jokingly). 

I am confident that I can pursue running now which I never felt I could do before coming to FFD. My wife has been a great support in this whole journey. This achievement was impossible without her.

Key quotes

"Thanks to Dr. Pramod Tripathi, and the whole FFD team for being amazingly supportive.'

Key takeaways

  • Medicines reduced
  • Thyroid reversed
  • Weight loss 12 kg
  • Good HbA1c drop