Rakesh Choksi's Testimony: How FFD Transformed His Life and Health

A Success Story in Diabetes Reversal and Weight Loss - Rakesh Choksi

  • Name - Mr. Rakesh Snehvadan Choksi
  • Age - 59 Years Young
  • Profession - Independent Professional
  • Place - Mumbai

Hello all,

I'm Rakesh Snehvadan Choksi an Independent professional from Mumbai.

My diabetes story

In 2012, I received my first health blow when I was diagnosed with hypertension, setting the stage for a series of health challenges.

A routine checkup in 2016 brought to light another concerning issue – high blood sugar levels. The revelation struck a chord as my family history bore a strong maternal legacy of diabetes, emphasizing the genetic predisposition.

Compounding these issues was my struggle with excess weight, evident in a body mass index (BMI) of 35.1 and a waistline measuring 113 cm.

How was FFD introduced?

Dr. Ram who himself is an FFD participant suggested I join FFD for my health issues.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. I also wanted to lose weight. FFD was offering hope. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in the Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP with the primary goal of reversing diabetes.

Mr. Rakesh Snehvadan Choksi

Reversal story

Joining FFD was undoubtedly the best decision I ever made, ushering in a cascade of positive changes in my life.

From the very first day, my sugar levels showed improvement, leading to the cessation of my diabetes medications within just one month.

The transformation was profound, as reflected in my HbA1c levels, which dropped from 8.7 to an impressive 6.6.

The most remarkable outcome, however, was the significant weight loss journey I embarked on – shedding a total of 22.3 kg, reducing my BMI from 35.1 to 26.7, a staggering 8.4-point decrease.

My waist size has reduced from 113 to 96 cm.  Not only that I have had to go for a complete wardrobe change from 44 to 40 shirt size and XXL to L T-Shirt size.

My newfound vitality and healthier lifestyle have garnered admiration from those around me, including family, friends, and neighbors in my apartment. Even my son has embraced a healthier lifestyle by incorporating smoothies into his routine.

I would like to thank all my FFD experts namely Dr. Pournima, my dietitian Devki, my exercise expert Dr. Anahita and my mentor Ketki.

Also, none of this would have been possible without the unwavering support of my wife.

Finally, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Pramod Tripathi for designing such a comprehensive and effective diabetes reversal and health program.

Key quote

I express my gratitude to FFD for aiding me in a complete transformation.

Key takeaways

  • Medicine stopped
  • Weight loss 22.3 kg
  • 8.4 points HbA1c drop