Precision Health: How FFD Fine-Tuned Hemant's Lifestyle

Balancing Act: How a Hemant Reversed Diabetes and More

  • Name - Mr. Hemant Dinkar Pandit
  • Age - 62 Years Young
  • Profession - Retired
  • Place - Pune

Hello all,

I'm Hemant Dinkar Pandit residing in Pune.

Key Takeaways

  • Medicine Stopped
  • Weight Loss 5.8 kg
  • Enhanced Positivity

My Diabetes Story

In 2014, a standard medical examination uncovered multiple health issues. Despite having a maternal family history of diabetes, I was startled to learn that I had developed diabetes.  I was also found to have high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

The demands of modern life - including intense competition, long working hours, and the constant struggle to keep up - had significantly impacted my health.

I was also experiencing shoulder pain. This combination of health problems indicated that my body's overall balance had been disrupted.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. I also wanted to set right my health. FFD was offering hope so I enrolled in its type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP.

Reversal Story

Enrolling in FFD proved to be a transformative decision. The team conducted a comprehensive analysis of my situation and crafted a customized plan, which led to impressive results.

Remarkably, I was able to discontinue my diabetes medication within days. My HbA1c saw a significant improvement, dropping from 6.3 to 5.6.

I've also achieved a notable weight loss, going from 64 kg to 58.2 kg.

The program has introduced me to new dietary habits, such as incorporating dal-based snacks and consuming grains one at a time. While I had already been exercising and maintaining a decent diet, FFD has helped me refine these practices with greater precision.

The inner transformation module helped me a lot in handling stress. I am much calmer and more stable now.

FFD has effectively optimized my body's functioning and instilled a clear purpose behind each health-related action.

I'm grateful to the entire expert team, including Dr. Mrunalini Thorat, diet specialist Shraddha Thawkar, exercise coach Dr. Ketaki Mandke, and inner transformation guide Nupur Akotkar, for their consistent guidance and support.

Key Quote

FFD taught me how to eat, exercise, and stay balanced for optimal health. I'm truly grateful.