Praveen Kumar Itla: Story of cholesterol and diabetes reversal

Cholesterol reversed, 18 kg lighter 

  • Name-  Mr. Praveen Kumar Itla
  • Age-  47 Years Young
  • Profession- Software Engineer
  • Place - Bangalore

Hello all,

I'm Praveen Kumar Itla a software engineer from Bangalore.

My diabetes story

It was diagnosed in 2010 after a group of ayurvedic doctors visited my premises and asked me to get tests done. Both my parents are diabetic which puts me in a strong family history category.

I didn't face problems as such but taking medicines life-long was not something that I wanted to do.  I had seen my father face lot many issues taking medicines for a prolonged time.

How did I learn about FFD?

I came to know about FFD on an online platform.

What made me choose FFD?

I attended the induction session DRS by Dr.Pramod Tripathi.  I liked the way the program was structured and that got me giving it a try. I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Mr. Praveen Kumar Itla

Reversal story 

The FFD journey has been great in terms of stopping all the medicines within the first three months of the program and losing more than 15 kg of weight. 

I have never been this slim before and I really like the way I am looking now.  There has been a boost in my self-confidence. My cholesterol medicines have also stopped

My weight loss of 18 kg also has been amazing.  I have reduced it from 78 kg down to 60 kg with FFD's help. Thanks to this amazing program. I am feeling great and would like to continue this way throughout my life. 

Key quote 

"I am grateful to Dr. Pramod & Dr. Malhar for coming up with this amazing program.

Key takeaways

  • Medicine stopped
  • Cholesterol reversed
  • Weight loss 18 kg