Overcoming Pre-diabetes and Losing 17.3 kg with FFD - Sandeep Shivdas

A New Beginning: How I Lost 17.3 kg and Reversed Pre-diabetes with FFD

  • Name - Mr. Sandeep Shivdas
  • Age - 43 Years Young
  • Profession - Job
  • Place - Doha Qatar

Hello all,

I'm Sandeep Shivdas resident of Doha, Qatar.

Key Takeaways

  • Weight Loss 17.3 kg
  • Pre-Diabetes Reversed
  • Enhanced Positivity

My Story

My unhealthy lifestyle led to health issues. I developed hypertension in 2013 and was diagnosed with high cholesterol in 2015. I gained a lot of weight, reaching 97.8 kg.

Both my parents have diabetes, and in November 2023, I learned that I was also prediabetic, which was unsettling news.

The toxic work culture was a significant factor in my declining health.

I experimented with various diet programs, often starving myself and walking over 10,000 steps daily. Despite these efforts, I saw no results, and my weight quickly rebounded.

Realizing the seriousness of my situation, I began searching for solutions.

How was FFD Introduced?

I happened to watch Dr. B.M. Hegde's video where he mentioned the name of Dr. Pramod Tripathi and FFD. I then browsed the internet.

What made me choose FFD?

I wanted to lose weight and reverse my pre-diabetes. FFD was offering hope so I enrolled in FFD's annual program HTP.

Mr. Sandeep Shivdas

My Weight Loss and Pre-diabetes Reversal Story

Joining FFD was the best decision. I achieved more than expected.

The FFD team assigned to me did a detailed study of my case and designed a plan accordingly. Following this I saw brilliant results.

My sugar levels soon began stabilizing which was great.

My 17.3 kg weight loss from 97.8 kg down to 80.5 kg has been splendid. My target is to reach 75 kg which I am confident I will achieve.

The inner transformation session helped to a great amount and extent.  

 I feel far far better for the first time in my life.

A special thanks to my FFD doctor Dr. Manasi Jambavalikar, exercise expert Dr. Ketaki, inner transformation expert Dr. Nupur and Mrs Josia my diet expert for their unwavering guidance and support.

Key Quote

Thank you, FFD for showing me a path to a healthy life.