Overcoming Diabetes, Hypertension, and Anxiety with FFD - Radhakrishnan Gopinathan

My Story of Defeating Diabetes, Hypertension & Anxiety With FFD's Help

  • Name - Mr. Radhakrishnan Gopinathan
  • Age - 61 Years Young
  • Profession - Chartered Accountant
  • Place - Bangalore

Hello all,

I'm Radhakrishnan Gopinathan, a Chartered Accountant working more like a consultant presently.

Key Takeaways

  • Free From Diabetes & BP Medicines
  • Weight Loss 16 kg

My Diabetes Story

The results of a routine medical checkup in 2015 delivered a triple blow – simultaneous diagnoses of diabetes, high cholesterol, and hypertension. With a maternal family history of this disorder, the hereditary connection likely played a role.

Additionally, the stress of being a single parent raising two boys, coupled with professional pressures, contributed to my deteriorating health condition. Compounding these challenges further was the substantial weight gain, which saw me tipping the scales at a concerning 93 kg.

Just before Corona, I had a sense of anxiety/ fear about traveling alone. This was something unusual. I also noticed that I needed someone to accompany me. Earlier, I used to travel all over the world alone and this strange thing came which shook me up from inside.

How was FFD Introduced?

I was already facing many health problems as mentioned above. This anxiety thing got me even more worried. Luckily, I happened to listen to a YouTube video by Dr. Hegde In which he commented that this is one of the symptoms of diabetes.

He also said there is a gentleman there in Pune who has found out a methodology to deal with this.

What made me choose FFD?

I wanted freedom from medicines and to sort out other health issues too. FFD was offering hope so I immediately called the Pune office and booked my seat for the introductory Discover Reversal Session. Joining FFD's type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP was the next step.

Reversal Story

Joining FFD proved to be the best decision I made, yielding benefits that far exceeded my expectations. The FFD team assigned to me conducted a comprehensive study of my case and designed a personalized plan. Upon following this plan, I began witnessing amazing results.

My blood sugar levels started stabilizing, and within just one to one and a half months, I received the incredible news of being able to stop taking my medications. The happiness I felt on that day knew no bounds. Remarkably, my HbA1c levels also improved from 9.5 to 6, which was an unbelievable achievement.

A pivotal turning point in my journey was when I undertook a 20-day and a 9-day fasting period, during which I started noticing visible and tangible results.

My weight loss journey has been remarkable, shedding an impressive 16 kg, going from 93 kg down to 77 kg.

The icing on the cake has been my liberation from hypertension medications as well.

Here's a paraphrased version:

The inner transformation sessions provided invaluable guidance, equipping me with effective strategies to manage my anxiety. Through these sessions, I acquired the necessary tools and techniques to handle anxiety in a much more constructive and healthier manner.

I now exercise regularly without fail, making a two-hour walk on Sundays a mandatory ritual. Additionally, I have joined the Bangalore hiking group to further enhance my fitness regimen.

One of the most valuable lessons I learned at FFD is the importance of dedicating two to three hours to gym sessions, which has become a cornerstone of my new lifestyle.

Strikingly, I realized that there is a wealth of invaluable information that one needs to truly understand and internalize properly. Once you do so, it becomes a part of you forever.

Key Quote

Great learning, great knowledge... a healthy life!  Thanks a ton, FFD.