Overcoming Diabetes and Obesity with FFD - Rakesh Sinha

Inspiring Transformation: Rakesh Sinha's FFD Success Story

  • Name - Mr. Rakesh Sinha
  • Age - 54 Years Young
  • Profession - Gazetted Officer
  • Place - Mumbai

Hello all,

I'm Rakesh Sinha, Gazetted Officer, Residing in Mumbai.

Key Takeaways

  • Insulin Stopped
  • Free From Cholesterol and BP Medicines
  • Weight Loss 25 kg

My Diabetes Story

A medical checkup in the year 2010 revealed I was a diabetic and had cholesterol issues too. The year 2014 came with another blow of hypertension.

Family history-wise, my father had diabetes.  My sisters also suffer from this disorder.

The hereditary connection along with stress must have been the trigger factors to my condition I believe.

Obesity also compounded my problems, necessitating attention.

By the time I joined FFD, I was on 19 units of insulin along with oral medicines only to control sugar levels.

How was FFD Introduced?

I discovered FFD through a previous participant who had experienced significant benefits.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. I also wanted to lose weight and regain health. FFD was offering hope. I have been following FFD since 2013 and attended sir's program at Terna College Nerul first. I was eager to join that time but finally joined the 69th Batch.

I first joined Freedom from Obesity (FFO) but seeing the high sugars, shifted to HTP.

Mr. Rakesh Sinha

Reversal Story

My journey with FFD has been truly remarkable. Following the personalized plan crafted by my FFD team has led to significant improvements.

My diabetes medication was discontinued within one and half month. However, in 2023, I noticed that my blood sugar levels were not stable, and my HbA1c was measured at 8.2.

I re-enrolled in the HTP 90 program. After contracting dengue, my HbA1c spiked to 9.4, leading to the addition of insulin to my medication regimen.

I became free from insulin within 3 months due to FFD's guidance and support. While I am still on medication, the dosage has been reduced, and I am optimistic about becoming medication-free soon.

I no longer require medication for cholesterol and hypertension, showcasing the effectiveness of FFD protocols in reversing associated health conditions.

BP medicines stopped from 19th May 2021. My weight loss from 120 kg to 95 kg has been fantastic. Though Knee pain has hindered my progress I am sure I will overcome it and achieve further weight loss. The support of the exercise expert has been superb.

I have transitioned to following the FFD protocol, having previously engaged in cycling, walking for an hour, yoga, and other activities. Additionally, I incorporate water fasting into my routine.

I am extremely satisfied with FFD's services and the expertise of their team. The compliments I receive from friends and family are a testament to my progress. I am so thrilled with my results that I have even encouraged two of my cousins to enroll in FFD.

Key Quote

FFD is the ultimate destination for all those who are seeking diabetes reversal and weight loss.