Overcoming Diabetes and Hypertension: Ramachandra Bhat's Success Story

Reversing Diabetes, Reversing BP - Thanks to FFD

  • Name - Mr. Ramachandra Bhat
  • Age - 78 Years Young
  • Profession - Engineer
  • Place - Dharwad, Karnataka

Hello all,

I'm Ramachandra Bhat, an Engineer from Dharwad. I worked in various steel industries. My last job was as a Vice President at JSW Steel's manufacturing unit in Thorangal, Karnataka.

Key Takeaways

  • Free From BP Medicine
  • Sugars Under Control
  • Improved HbA1c
  • Superb Energy

My Diabetes Story

A routine medical checkup long ago in 1997 confirmed I had diabetes. Since no one from my family ever suffered from this, the news was pretty unsettling.

I was also battling with other health issues like hypertension, high cholesterol, and thyroid which were adding to my concern.

Some positive habits I maintained included regularly practicing yoga, pranayama, meditation, and walking. I was also mindful of my diet.

How was FFD Introduced?

I discovered Freedom From Diabetes (FFD) through a Facebook post. I then obtained more information about the program from Mr. Veer Narayan Kulkarni.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. I was just not ready to go on insulin which my family doctor had advised me. FFD was offering hope so I enrolled in its type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP.

Reversal Story

The FFD team thoroughly assessed my case and developed a customized plan to address my specific needs.

My experience with FFD has been transformative.Through a combination of structured exercises and an appropriate diet, I was able to discontinue my blood pressure medication within 45 days of starting the program - a remarkable accomplishment for me.

My diabetes medication has been significantly reduced; I now only take 40 mg of Reclide three times daily. My HbA1c has improved from 7.3 to 6.3/6.2.

I also lost a considerable amount of weight. All thanks to the FFD team.

I now feel energetic and can drive without any issues. I maintain a consistent routine of yoga, pranayama, meditation, and a healthy diet.

My yoga practice includes 24 surya namaskars daily, with occasional sessions of 108 surya namaskars once or twice a year. For muscle development, I use 5 kg dumbbells and perform bicep-focused weight training exercises.

Key Quote

Thank you, FFD for helping me reverse diabetes and stop BP medicines