Overcoming Diabetes: A Personal Account with FFD

A Medicine-Free Life: My Success Story With FFD

  • Name - Dr. Barkha Bahl
  • Age - 55 Years Young
  • Profession - Director - Own Business
  • Place - Delhi

Hello all,

I'm Dr. Barkha Bahl from Delhi. I hold a Ph.D. and currently work as the Director of my Own Business.

Key Takeaways

  • Medicine Stopped
  • Weight Loss 3.7 kg

My Diabetes Story

A medical checkup in February 2023 disclosed I had high sugars confirming diabetes. I have already been grappling with BP since 2017.

About my past medical history I have been given hormone injections during both my deliveries,  and with every hormone treatment I gained 10 kg of weight. I tried to reduce it, but did not get great results.

How was FFD Introduced?

It was Facebook through which I got to know about FFD.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. I also wanted to lose weight. FFD was offering hope so I enrolled in type 2 diabetes reversal program HTP immediately.

Dr. Barkha Bahl

Reversal Story

Joining FFD was the best decision I've ever made, and I benefited far more than I expected. Once I began following the personalized plan, I started seeing results quickly.

My diabetes medications stopped within 14 days of starting the program, and my HbA1c improved from 6.8 to 5.4.

The FFD diet plan has been incredibly effective, leading to a significant weight loss from 93.6 kg to 89.9 kg. In terms of exercise, I try to do Zumba once a week. If it weren't for knee and ankle pain, I would be more active in this area.

The inner transformation expert, Yati Shah, has been immensely helpful. She provided excellent guidance in addressing various concerns, and I'm doing great now.

I want to thank my entire team for their outstanding support throughout my journey.

Key Quote

Thank you FFD for showing me a path to weight loss and medicine-free life