Overcoming diabetes & hypertension with FFD - Dhananjayan K

A Journey of Transformation: How I Reversed Diabetes and Hypertension

  • Name - Mr. Dhananjayan K
  • Age - 60 Years Young
  • Profession - Retired
  • Place - Kerala

Hello all,

I'm Dhananjayan K, a Retiree, living in Kerala.

Key Takeaways

  • Diabetes Medicine Stopped
  • BP Medicine Stopped
  • Incredible Guidance & Support

My Diabetes Story

Around 20-21 years ago, in 2003, a medical check-up revealed that I had diabetes. Despite a family history on my mother's side, the diagnosis was quite surprising.

At the same time, I was also dealing with hypertension, which further added to my worries. I've always had a strong desire to overcome these health challenges.

How was FFD introduced?

It all started after seeing a video on YouTube by well-known Dr. B. M. Hegde ji who was mentioning about FFD & Dr. Pramod.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. After coming to know about FFD, I visited the FFD website and consequently attended the Diabetes Reversal Session by Dr. Pramod Tripathi and immediately joined the HTP Batch 98.

Reversal Story


The FFD team carefully assessed my case and developed a personalized plan. Following their regimen, I saw positive results quickly and was able to stop my diabetes and blood pressure medications within three weeks.

In the first three months, by strictly adhering to FFD's diet and exercise guidelines, I maintained fasting sugar levels below 100 and reduced my HbA1c to 4.9.

Initially hesitant to go to the gym, continuous encouragement from Dr. Pramod, Dr. Malhar, and Sayali Kale helped me start, and I began seeing results.

With guidance from Dr. Gopinath Karpe, diet expert Josia M. George, and exercise expert Sayali Kale, I stabilized my glucose levels by March 2024.

Following Josia's advice, I cleared the GTT in June, with fasting blood sugar at 92 and post-prandial sugar level at 125.

I am grateful to Dr. Pramod and the entire FFD team for their unwavering support.

Key Quote

I underwent a remarkable transformation with the FFD program.