Overcome Stroke related Eye Problems & Passed Glucose Tolerance test

Diabetes Reversal success story of Mrs. Shaila
Shaila Narawade, 59 years old, worked in State Bank, now retired.
Before coming to FFD not a single report of mine including LDL, HDL, fasting insulin, urine microalbumin was normal.
I myself could not interpret the gravity of reports but my daughter forced me to join FFD. Then I realized that all my blood reports were improper.
Another bad news for me was that immediately after joining FFD, I suffered from a stroke that badly affected my eyes.
FFD team guided me properly for it and within just one month my affected eyes recovered and I could see properly.
Within the last 10 months, I have recovered to such a level that all my reports are normal.
My fasting insulin which was 24 instead of 4 is now within normal limits.
The same happened with my urine microalbumin (which was 103 instead of 20) and total cholesterol (which was 258) levels.
They are now within normal limits. I have also lost 10 kg in 6 months and now I can climb Parvati twice at a time and that too with good speed.
My confidence level has increased a lot.
Talking about the FFD diet, I would say that please do not get stressed about it. In fact, a lot of cooking time is saved with this kind of diet as it is a simple diet which we eat on a day-to-day basis. It is also very delicious and full of proteins. I have started feeling quite young as my muscles are quite strongly developed now.
Thanks to Dr. Pramod Tripathi sir and his team for making me undergo the various set of tests so that the extent of my disease could be understood properly to decide a plan of action.
Hear the reversal story @ https://soundcloud.com/dr-pramod-tripathi/ep-23-freedom-from-daibetise-ep-27-11-18-shaila-naravde
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