Never had to take diabetes medicines - Thanks to FFD

Never had to take diabetes medicines - Thanks to FFD
- Name- Mr. Ajit Nadgir
- Age- 52 Years Young
- Profession- Software Engineer
- Place - Edison, U.S.
Hello all,
I'm Ajit Nadgir a Software Engineer from Edison, U.S.
My diabetes story
I remember the moment I first noticed a strange diabetes symptom creeping up on me. It was excess hunger, something that had never plagued me before. No matter how much I ate, my body just couldn't seem to get enough.
It was frustrating and alarming at the same time. Eventually, I went for some blood tests and it revealed that my HbA1c levels were at 7 - indicative of diabetes! But this wasn't exactly unexpected; after all, diabetes ran in my family.
What did catch me off-guard though were the accompanying issues like obesity, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol - as if excess hunger wasn't enough to deal with already!
How did FFD happen?
I was lucky enough to learn about FFD through one of my friends.
What made me select FFD?
I never took any medicines for diabetes but wanted to reverse it and improve my lifestyle. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.
Mrs. Ajit Nadgir
Reversal story
I am ecstatic to share that my proactive decision of joining FFD before starting medicines has paid off big time! I was battling diabetes for a while, and it was taking a toll on my health.
But as soon as I enrolled in the program, I could see significant improvements in my sugar levels from day one! It's just unbelievable how fast FFD helped me reverse diabetes.
My HbA1c level went down from 7 to an amazing 5.8 - something that seemed impossible earlier.
My weight loss from 96.2 kg down to 86 kg has been remarkable.
Thanks to FFD treatment I can go hiking - one of my favorite activities without any fear or worry about being held back by diabetes. The energy boost and overall fitness level that comes with reversing this condition are simply fantastic!
Key quote
"FFD personalized approach and cutting-edge technology made all the difference in helping me achieve a life free of diabetes!"
Key takeaways
- Improved HbA1c
- Weight loss 10 kg