Namratha Mehta : An amazing reversal story from Hyderabad

  • Name- Mr. Namratha Mehta 
  • Age- 42 years
  • Profession- Lecturer
  • Place -Hyderabad

It is unbelievable.  I am doing so many things which I never ever dreamt of. I think this is true Life 2.0 which FFD has given me. I am Namratha Mehta, 42 years young, Lecturer, from Hyderabad.  I am proud to share that Teaching is my passion and my passion is my work.Talking about diabetes, there is family history from both sides, maternal and paternal. 

Just around 1 year back, I suffered from skin rashes for which I went to see my doctor. He advised me to get my routine tests done to figure out what could have been the cause for it.  The test results were pointing out to autoimmune disorder and my blood tests reported a shocking HbA1c of 6.8. I was advised by the doctor in August last year to start with medicine, but I was not convinced.

That time, I came to know about FFD.  Had heard a lot about the effectiveness of the treatment, so started following FFD on youtube.  Controlling my diet in the right manner as suggested by Dr. Pramod Tripathi sir helped me control my sugar levels. So never really took medicines. Joined FFD in the month of October Holistic Transformation Program batch 75 and since then there is no looking back.

Mr. Namratha Mehta 

FFD gives customized treatment.  The diet experts gave me appropriate dietary advice by studying my individual case.  For example, I was suggested to have probiotics, vegan curd for skin issues and inflammation. During Diwali time, I was pretty inconsistent with exercise.  FFD exercise experts advised me to divide the exercise and not to stop it completely which was the most valuable piece of advice.

I was always under the impression that diet and exercise are the only important things when it comes to good health.  FFD made me aware that mental balance too is very crucial for wellbeing.  They properly guided me on how to be consistent on the inner transformation aspect too which has been very helpful in my reversal journey..

There has been an amazing 13 kg weight loss so far and adding on different perspectives to life. My sugar levels are well under control and my HbA1c is 5.4 now. I have joined cult fitness, following exercises regularly and balancing the 3 components of exercise - strength, flexibility, and stamina.

I am feeling happy, satisfied with my progress

Gratitude to the entire team of FFD.

Reverse Diabetes