My story of reversing type 2 diabetes naturally

GTT pass, athletic identity - gymmer

  • Name-  Mr. E S Kalyana Chakravarthy
  • Age-  55 Years Young
  • Profession- Corporate Employee
  • Place - Noida

Hello all,

I'm E. S. Kalyana Chakravarthy from Noida.  I am into handling the technical leads.

My diabetes story

Both my parents, my grandfather, and my great-grandmother all had diabetes. I was fairly aware that I might get it one day because it runs in my family.  In addition, my job is quite demanding.

A medical checkup done for the feeling of tiredness disclosed I too had diabetes.

I immediately stopped consuming sugar and made an effort to control the situation.

Before COVID I used to go cycling long distances which got stopped due to the lockdown. As a result, my sugar levels began becoming inconsistent. The main issue was high morning sugars.

It was very upsetting when my doctor could not provide an appropriate answer for this.

How did FFD happen?

I began looking for a remedy for my high morning blood sugars and found an FFD video. I discovered that similar work was being done by other organizations. I also tried other approaches to manage my blood sugar but nothing worked.

 What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medications, wanted a program that I could do from the comfort of my home.  FFD was offering complete online treatment. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately

Mr. E S Kalyana Chakravarthy

Reversal story

I wanted to reverse diabetes naturally and 4 FFD protocols were in support of this. 

My diabetes medicines were reduced to half in a couple of weeks and by the end of 6 weeks, I was completely off of medicines. 

Weight-wise I was a little underweight with a BMI of less than 23. I still lost a few kilograms with FFD protocol but this is healthy weight loss.

I feel more energetic and plan to gain good muscle weight under the guidance of the FFD team of experts.

My HbA1c improved from 6.7  to 5.9. I'm overjoyed to report that I also passed the GTT.

I have chosen the athletic identity of a gymmer as I spend most of my time in the gym.

Key quote

I feel very comfortable, healthy, and happy after receiving treatment from FFD.

Key takeaways

  • Medicine stopped
  • HbA1c improved
  • GTT cleared