My Insulin stopped in just 10 days

Ramadevi Penumarti, 57 years old, housewife.
I want to tell you that I had diabetes for 12 long years. The last 3 years were very difficult for me as I had to be on 44 units of insulin plus medicines per day.
I was in such a bad state of health that I used to feel tired, stressed, and irritated all the time. While looking for treatment,
I had come across the name Freedom from Diabetes but could not do anything as I was staying abroad.
After coming to India one friend of mine told me how her husband was benefitted by joining FFD.
This is the time when I finally made a decision to join myself to FFD and give it a try.
Very soon, which means just within 10 days of joining FFD, my insulin stopped. The medicines also stopped in another 2-3 weeks.
I followed the diet and exercise regime strictly as per FFD diabetes reversal protocol keeping only one goal in my mind that "I want to become free of medicines". I had also realized that tablets were giving me other problems one of which was body pain.*
All that has gone now and I am very happy. I also lost 12 kg weight loss in 6 weeks.
Everything is fine now with me according to diabetes specialist Dr. Tripathi and he says by following the same regimen of diet and exercise,
I should be a completely normal person soon. diabetes specialist Dr. Tripathi also told me that freedom from excess fat and excess weight is very important as fat becomes a big hurdle in the functioning of insulin.
My fight is still on as my HbA1c is 6.9. I have just begun working on my diabetes that is four months ago. According to the FFD people, there will be a remarkable improvement in my health over the period of another 7-8 months, i.e., when I will be nearing 1 year of diabetes treatment.
I am very much thankful to diabetes specialist Dr. Pramod Tripathi and his FFD team for all this.
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