My Incredible 15 kg Weight Loss Story - Harshna Mota

How FFD Helped Me Achieve Sustainable 15 kg Weight Loss
- Name - Mrs. Harshna Mota
- Age - 40 Years Young
- Profession - Small Business
- Place - Pune
Hello all,
I'm Harshna Mota from Pune.
Key Takeaways
- Weight Loss 15 kg
- Superb Positivity
- Superb Fitness
My Diabetes Story
I had struggled with being overweight for a long time, reaching up to 80 kg and experiencing issues related to my excess weight.
It’s not that I hadn't tried to lose weight before. About 12 years ago, I successfully lost weight through healthy eating, and it was quite sustainable. However, as I got busy raising my children and couldn't find time to exercise, I gained the weight back.
I was stuck in an endless cycle of losing weight and then regaining it. I was searching for a sustainable way to lose weight.
How was FFD Introduced?
I learned about FFD through our neighbor, who had enrolled in their program. Initially, we wanted to enroll my husband, but we decided to join together so we could motivate each other and make the process easier.
What made me choose FFD?
As mentioned earlier, I was eager to lose weight. Attending the orientation with Dr. Pramod and Dr. Malhar made me realize that it's not just about losing weight but about making lasting lifestyle changes. I enrolled myself in FFD's one of its kind HTP program.
Mrs. Harshna Mota
Reversal Story
Joining FFD proved to be a life-changing choice. The team performed an in-depth assessment of my condition and crafted a customized plan, which yielded remarkable outcomes.
I lost 10 kg in the first 4 months, but then the weight loss slowed down. It took another 5 months to lose the next 5 kg. Before starting my journey, I had to eat every 2 hours due to hunger pangs. With the guidance of my diet expert, I can now do intermittent fasting for up to 48 hours.
I've started cycling, regularly going to the gym, and practicing yoga. Thanks to the exercise expert and the team, I now enjoy cardio and gym workouts, which help me maintain my momentum.
Previously, I only did yoga, but I've discovered a love for cardio and gym workouts, which has been incredibly beneficial.