My 15 kg sustainable weight loss story with FFD's help

How I lost 15 kg and became healthy

  • Name - Female
  • Age - 23 Years Young
  • Profession - Physiotherapist
  • Place - Gujarat

Hello all,

I'm A Physiotherapist residing in Gujarat.

Key Takeaways

  • Weight Loss 15 kg
  • Superb Guidance & Support 

My Story

I had been struggling with overweight issues for a long time, reaching a peak weight of 98 kg, which brought its own set of challenges to my daily life. Additionally, I discovered that I was suffering from PCOD.

I believe that both personal and professional stress significantly contributed to these issues.

Being very young, I was determined to lose weight and lead an active lifestyle, which led me to seek a natural solution.

How was FFD Introduced?

It was the social media that introduced me to FFD.

What made me choose FFD?

I desperately wanted to lose weight. FFD was offering hope so I enrolled in its annual program HTP.

Reversal Story

My case was meticulously examined by the team assigned to me, and they developed a personalized plan based on their findings. As I began to follow the plan, I saw positive results.

My weight loss from 98 kg down to 83 kg in just 4-5 months has been superb. Interestingly, I never felt starved. All the credit goes to the FFD diet protocol.

My energy levels have gone up and I am feeling happy.

The guidance received from the FFD diet and exercise team has been wonderful.

I still need to lose a couple of kilos but I am confident that with the FFD team's support and guidance, I will achieve my target weight loss soon.

Key Quote

Thank you, FFD for helping me achieve sustainable weight loss